Chapter 1- Wonderful Save

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"Why? Why? No, not why but how how did I end up with these weak ass children? Why is this happening to me? I cant make any money with kids like these there useless." He pauses and watches his wife glaring at her pointing. "This this is all your fault you damn wench!"

"My fault? My fault. You stupid piece of shit. This isnt my fault matter of fact it is your fault because your the one put you d*ck up in this p*ssy and gave me your retarted ass , weak ass genes!" She yelled glaring daggers back at him daring him to hit her.

This is what I have to wake up to evey single day. Well me and my brother anyway. I got dress and sneaked out my bedroom window to get to class. I dont want to deal with those crazy people. I walk down the road watching the tress pass , the birds churp and the stupid people who drive pass me straight and not give me a ride. I know my hair might be yellow and I dont have much redeeming qualities but they didnt have to act like I have a sickness.

I finally reach the school gates and obviously they were closed. Why, Does this keep happening to me? My parents use to drill in my head how ungrateful I am and oh how they tried there best to get me into a school knowing full well that yellows barely get a education before there sold off or some shit. But they think no one will want to buy me.

I pass through the little hole that was torn in the fence. I remember when I first tried that shit I ended up ripping my shirt and had to walk around school with half a shirt tragic I know right , no one seemed to care though.

"Hey you pinapple why are you so late?" The gates keeper ask.

"Gate keeper I would really enjoy it if you called me Aiden." I replied grimicing under his intense stare.

"I know that's exactly why i call you the opposite." He said smiling like thats the biggest accomplishment." Now i suggest you get your ass to class before you get into even more trouble pinapple." He was close to my air whispering that in my air making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

"Ok well by." I ran so fast you would think i was the flash.

I made it to my first period. I opened the door walked in with a bright smile on my face.

"Mr.Scott why are you so late?" Mrs.lineback ask.

"Well I was...." I didn't even get to finish what I said because a little prick cut me off.

"He was out there talking to Mr.Macho probably giving him a blow job like the good lilttle pup he is." Some Purple head screamed.

Now I wasnt one to care about your color because honestly my dad was a big bad red yet I still gave him sass and my mom looked like a rainbow. (Caught on😉)

"Listen here you shriveled up piece of toast.. GO IN A DITCH AND GET DRILLED OUT OFF OH WAIT NO YOU MIGHT LIKE THAT YOU NASTY PIECE OF DOODOO!" I yelled at him making him glare at me.

"Ok ok enough you go take your seat and after may I speak to you." She gave me a look and continued on with her lesson.

I went to my seat bext to a window.
It had this boy next to me all I know is that his hair is red and that he always wore procedure mask. 😷

There were alot of things I notice since I couldn't see his face and surely wasnt paying attention in class. I saw the bondage marks(how are you so sure there bondage marks?) on his wrist when his jacket lifted up a bit, the way he sits like hes in utter pain sometimes I would like to go up and talk to him but lets be honest me a yellow go up and talk to a red nope not happening.

Class finally ends.

"Mr.Scott wait your lazy ass." She said holding my shoulder before i could leave I didnt like being touched at all so I shrugged her off.

"What?" I was irritated now.

"What did you learn in class today? She smiled sweetly.

"I learned the yellows can become pregnant it we have a womb next to our prostate quite disturbing." I shuddered.

"Hmm looks like the only thing you heard." She started stroking the imaginary beard."so basically you werent paying attention because that was last months lesson."

"Ok and?" I questioned.

"Listen boy. I know that is quite hard being a yellow and all." She look right at me like the next thing she was about to say might hurt my feelings. "But you need to pay attention in class I know your parents would be very mad to see that your failing a class."

I narrowed my eyes at her not saying anything. It seemed to get her nervous.

"Ok well you may leave now but if you need help with anything just come to me." She said.

I turned around and headed towards my other class.

Skips to lunch.

I walk into the cafeteria take my plate of food and walk towards the far  back of the cafeteria. I eat in silence watching just watching.  I got up and headed out. BAM! Curiously I went to see what was going on what I saw would change the course of history. Just kidding.

"Why do you have that mask on huh red? You think you so much better than us huh." When the red-haired boy didnt answer they started beating on him, punching and kicking everywhere. When they were statisfied they left.

Well then I should probably leave to but he looked so cripple I wanted to help i couldnt just leave him there him. Should I?

I walk over to him and drag him to the nurse. yes you heard me drag.He was to heavy to lift it was easier to drag. We reach to the nurse and she helps me pull him in.

"What happen?" She ask me.

The amount of questions I have ask or been ask today. I could be rich.

"I dont know." I said scratching the back of my head.

She laid him on the bed and walked away. I was about to leave to when his hand shot out. I looked back his eyes where still close but he had a real tight grib on my hand.

I walked a bit closer. His hand relaxed a bit. "Stay." I looked around thinking I heard something.

"Stay here please ." I looked down and he was saying it.

"Oka." I replied feeling awkward his hand still frimly gripping mines not to tight but just enough  like I might run.

Yippie Im done
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