Chapter 25-Revelations

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"What do you think of those two."I ask Ryan while I sit on his bed, and him rummaging through his closet looking for only God knows what.

"Nothing, of my concern." He simple says.

"What are you looking for?" I question.

"Sigh, Ai I love when you talk, but I need silence." He said turning to watch me then turning back.

Wow what's his problem we just started dating and he can't stand me already.


"Ryan the garages on fire!" Mason says running into the room.

"Wtf, How?" Ryan and I say in union. We both rush towards the garage to see it going up in flames the raging fire swallowing everything inside.

"Holy shit get the hose." Ryan screams.

"Ryan the hose was inside the garage." I say shaking my head. How the hell did this happen anyways.

Mason runs inbetween us with a bucket in his hand throwing the water in the fire, it didn't do much but we started following his lead throwing buckets of  water into the fire calming it down slowly but surely.

"How the hell? Who the hell?" I say, turning my head towards Ryan.

He looks down at the ground, if this was and anime show I would have that big angry mark on my forehead.

"Ryan are you going to tell us what's going on or is it you Mason did those people who beat your ass finally find out where you are?" I said with my arms folded

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"Ryan are you going to tell us what's going on or is it you Mason did those people who beat your ass finally find out where you are?" I said with my arms folded.

Mason snorts and says, "No way those asshats think I have no friends and plus I highly doubt they would come looking for me."

Watching him dead in the eyes I look to see if he's lying, but he stands his ground and doesn't look away; he's either really good at it or he isn't lying anyways the next culprit. You would swear I own the place.

"Ryan, hun tell me what's going on." I say in a quiet voice stepping up to touch his face, "Does this have anything to do with why you left with that man for so long?"

Ryan refused to look me in the eyes after about a good 9 minutes of us standing there saying nothing Chef opens his mouth saying, "If they did it once I'm postive they will try it again."

"Yes we need to know what's going on before they come back but this time instead of fire they come with guns." I say.

Ryan still didn't look at us but he spoke up, "I'll tell you guys what's going on lets go to the living room."

We all sit down like those kids at the daycare waiting for the story to commence.

"Wait not before the tea." Mason screams running towards the kitchen.

"Are we sure we want to talk about this information infront of him?"Chef says. "Can he even make tea?"

"I think he can be trusted if not we'll just kill him." I say shrugging my shoulders. They both stare at me like I suddenly became the hydra.

"None of  that will be happening." Ryan says holding his head. "MASON! hurry up."

"Okay...okay." He says bringing out 4 cups of steaming hot chocolate, and to think we only knew him for about two days, well some of us, okay only me.

"Okay now that you all are sitting down this story doesn't have anything to do with you guys per say except Aiden." He says looking at me he continues, "Your parents are dead and we don't know where your brother is."

Tilting my head I try and figure out what this has to do with the garage getting set on flames, I know I probably should feel a little sad that my parents are dead but I don't is that bad?

"I know your probably trying to figure out what this has to do with the house almost setting on fire but it does and alot to." He says holding his hands up. Mason mouth was wide open and the Chef didn't have anything on his face it was just blank. We waited for Ryan to explain and catching the memo he did.

"Well you see when  you first met me and saved me... "Aha you finally accept that I saved you."

Glaring at me he continues, "I did some research on you."

"So you stalked me." I asked.

"Would you stop?" He said getting irritated, "and found out who your parents were and what they did."

"Uhuh, can this story get any more boring?" Mason questions. (Good question)

"Anyways they worked for one of my fathers smaller businessess, my uncle was the owner of that joint and he found out your parents owned  a pretty little yellow at hand and he wanted you he never saw you but he wanted you so he offered your parents a large sum of money to buy you they agreed obviously but then I found out overhearing my uncle boasting about this yellow he was going to buy so again I did digging and learned it was you found out where you lived offered more money than my uncle and bought you and you can only guess what happened after that."Ryan sits on the spot next to me.


"So what you're telling me is that you caused his parents to die." Chef finally speaks up.

"No I didn't, well I didn't, NO." Ryan says shaking his head.

"Did you just want to make your uncle mad that you got what he wanted?"I asked confused as hell.

Grabbing onto my hand Ryan shock his head violently saying, "of course not he would do terrible things to you he always lied to my dad saying he wants to fall inlove with a yellow just like him but he lies. I saw him beating a yellow bashing his head into the ground and behind my fathers back he says awful things about my mother and I."

"Why don't you just speak to your father about it then, I'm pretty sure its your uncle that's lacing people on you."Mason says.

Chef  scratches his chin raises a finger and says, "oh oh oh how did your uncle find out it was you and how does he know how Aiden looks."

"My father wouldn't believe that my uncle would do something like this and the time I brought you to the party my uncle it completely slipped my mind that he would be attending."He said.

"No that still doesn't add up your uncle still shouldn't know how you looked seeing as he never saw you and your parents probably never tried to explain him." Mason actually says something smart.

Ryan eyes light up, "The newspaper ."

"What I never ended up on the newspaper."I say defending myself, "I only  ended up on the television."

"Well the news it will end up on the papers they probably metioned that who your parents were."

"Are we going to ignore that he could've just caught my parents and abused them to get that info."I ask.

"I highly doubt your parents would hold that type of information." Chef says.

"True."Mason agrees nodding his head.

"We can't just sit hear trying to play detective, Sherlock Homes never sat done and waited." I say standing up. "Tomorrow were going to your mother Ryan and we're getting answers."

"Why my mother? I thought you didn't like her." Ryan inquest.

"She might be helpful and I never said anything about not liking her."

"Who's his mother?" Mason ask.

"A famous yellow." I answer.

"Thats a new one." M.

Tomorrow we head so hopefully her hubby isn't home."I say getting dragging Ryan with me and head to bed.



Hope you enjoy


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