Chapter 28-Paste

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"Lets get this started." Mason says running around the house waking up eveyone like a kid on Christmas day.

"Mason, would you come down." I say rubbing my eyes, getting up and heading to the hall.

"Why are you so happy?" Ryan ask Mason, "it's 4 in the morning, even Chefs not up."

Cough, "Oh no, I'm up, first room he came to banging down the door." He said tired.

"What aren't you guys excited." Mason says jumping up and down.

"Yes, we all are, but you didn't have to wake us up so early in the morning." I say heading to the kitchen with everyone behind me.

"But, we have so much to do." He tries to reason. Chef gets to cooking making us all breakfast.

"What exactly is the much?" Ryan ask sitting very close to me nuzzling my neck. I move to sit onto of him wrapping hands around his waist getting comfy.

Mason puts a finger on his chin thinking, "Well we have the flyers to make and then we have to go paste them around the town. I just thought you guys would want and early start on it so we could finish early I guess."

"Well I guess your reasoning wasn't wrong." Chef said placing a plate infront of him, "now shutup and eat."

"Aiden, wake up the food is here." Ryan shaked me. I stir a little and said, "feed me." While opening my mouth; eyes still closed.

"So cute." Mason Chuckles. What's the joke? I wonder what's going on. Mhm, I wonder how chocolate bunnies taste.

It feels like someone is caressing my cheek. Making me fall slowly back to sleep.

"Ai, you can't go back to sleep get up so we could start these flyers and pasting them." Mason says.

"Fine!" I say getting up, "lets hurry do this so I could get back to sleep." I know I might sound like I don't care, but I do its just the time.

"Yippie lets go." Mason shouts. Running into the living room we all follow behind him.

2 hours later, and nothing was accomplished.
You may be wondering what the hell is going on well let me brief you.So we're all sitting down to give ideas and stuff right.

So the ideas were all coming out right, then Mason said, "Oh this flyer is gonna look so fly."

Chef fast self just wanted to piss him off and said, "unlike you."

Oh Mason got so mad he threw paint after Chef.

Chef wasn't having it though he threw water, drenching us all and the work we sort of started, that's why I said we accomplished nothing, because after Chef drenched our work Ryan got mad and started throwing things to and going with the flow I joined.

We were all sitting down looking at each other in our saden states.

"Mehn, I would like to finish the flyer please." Mason says slightly pissed.

"Fine, but we are only making two of them." Chef says getting up and moving closer to us.

"Fine." Ryan grunts in respond.

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