Chapter 17- Pillow Talk

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"Well thats the question of the year don't you think?"I said removing his arm from around my body.

"You know honestly I didnt really like you." He grabs my waist pulling me closer and continues, "When I saw you in school I was thinking this yellow has so much mouth on him its so annoying why doesn't he just shut up then, I was like I wonder how he would be  under me, but when you actually came into my house your sarcasm didnt die."
I snorted. He pinched my cheek and continued, when you came to my office to bring my mask for me I was like he cares then I saw you so determine to get a job;I cracked."

"You cracked like what an egg?" I was actually kind of interested I almost forgot I was talking to drunk retard.

"Yeah I think I so, but I know you dont like reds and honestly I never saw a yellow in that lime light before." He paused smiles and says, "when I saw the news about them saying I have no control over 'My Yellow' I was mad I think you should have freedom but not to much for you to be leaving me and go with another I will castrate you."

Blinking,blink, blink, thats all I did; For the first time in a long time I didnt have much to say. Such a shame.

"You are really pretty." He whispers, "And I probably should tell you this I'm not actually drunk."

"What?" I say sniffing him.

"You shouldve have checked my breath." He laughs.

"So all this time you werent telling some drunk tale, I was hoping I could act like nothing happen." I said rolling over.

"Why?" I sat up.

"You asked me if I ever had sex witha man, specific much."

"I just wanted to know and you didnt answer anyways."

"Why did you want to know?" I asked following him to sit up.

Smiling at me he replied, "Cuz I wanted to know if someone tasted the waters before me."

Thinking for a while my finally verdict was why the f am I having a conversation like this with him but I wont say that aloud for various reasons.

"Well?" He naggs.


"Ohh fresh so when you finally fall in love with me I could be you first and last man." He said with joy.

"Well I'm gald your happen I think its time to go sleep." I lay back down and turn my body in the opposite direction so my back could face him.

"Okay.." I feel his body flushed agaisnt mine it wasnt to bad seeing as his room was extremely cold.

"Goodnight, dream of my sexy face." He says kissing the back of my neck.

"Prick,dont ever do that again."

"But you dont seem to have a problem with my snuggles."

"That's different your room is cold."

"But where under the comforter."

"You cam still feel cold."

"You have problems"

"Goodnight shit." I say closing my eyes, feeling a kiss on my neck again I finally fell into a deep sleep.

Hope you sorta enjoyed.

Heres some pictures of there night and how they cuddle throughout...

Heres some pictures of there night and how they cuddle throughout

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