Chap 16- K.I.D

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Mhmm. Drip. Drip.

'What the hell is that?' Peak. Slightly seeing a body I bring my head to look all the way up.

"Ahhh..Who the hell are you and what are you doing playing in my room. Playing with water..what a waste dont he know people need that.

"Oh finally you arise. Do you know you sleep like your dead?" He says turning to face me, "oh and you say strange things like bazzoka or boom, who you trying to kill?"

"None your business." I say, "and you need to hurry and answer my question or else I'll beat you until you cant say mom."

"I need a little favor." He gets up and turns on the channel.

Boss Ryan King turns out to have a working yellow a yellow who works not only for him but for others.

"What a shame." Person one says.

"I know right. You would expect more fron Mr.King like his yellow doesnt seem to listen to him at all and you know what I heard one day." Second idiot says.

"What?" Fish idiot questions.

"The yellow jostle  into his work place and scold him. How shameless of that yellow."

"What the hell is this bullshit?" I say starting to get heated even forgetting I had a supposed vistor.

"Excuse me sir you need to cool down and I'm Ryan supposed friend he told me that his yellow wasnt working today and that You could watch my daughter for me so I waited for you."

I looked at him and said, "are you sure you need someone to look after her because you dont seem to be in a rush."

"Well no but I need someone to watch her and you have no choice but to agree because the red already agreed." He said standing up.

"Why you little son of a..." a little girl walks into the room smiling at her purple haired father.

Looking at the little girl I noticed she had orange hair how fortunate for me.

"Byepoppy." When he left she turned to me with a smile.

"Yes?" I Questioned.

"I dont really trust you. I want to know if your using uncle Ryan to get his money." She said walking closer to me.

"Wait how old are you and are you stupid?" I got out of bed and threw on some basketball shorts and a tee.

"I'm 11 and I'm not at least my dad tell me I'm not." She smiled up at me.

"Dont always believe what parents tell you oh and your previous question about uncle Ryan no I am surely not using that man for his money."I looked down at her to see her looking at the kitchen, "Do you want something to eat?"

"No, I was just thinking."She said with such a deep thinking face on he looked older than she was suppose to, almost like how a man with the world on his shoulders look.

Wait how old did this kid say she was?

Tugging on my hand she leads me towards the living room and sits me down, standing in front of me, she says, "If he's uncle Ryan should I call you Aunty Ai?"

I think I just died, " WHAT!!"

"I'm only asking. You and uncle have that relationship right," SHe puts a finger on his chin and continue, " I heard from my friend that yellows always have a relationship with their owner even if their owners have wives.

What nonsense are these so called friends putting in his head even though it may be true.

"Look kid." I hold his hands, "sit down and watch tv I'm going to eat."

SHe looks at me grabs the remote and puts it on cartoon.

SHe is a child afterall. Sighs. Should I call Red about what I saw this morning on the news. No..he's a big boss he probably knows already.

Time skipp...9:02 in the night(duh).

"When is your parental unit coming?" I ask, while  surfing the web.

"How am I suppose to know?" SHe didn't even glance at me.

Ding dong.

Ugh who on earth? Opening the door I see Red and that bastard I saw this morning.

"Where is your key, Ryan?" I said looking at him up and down sniffing the air I smell the alcohol.

I'm not even going to ask the obvious question.

Letting them through I avoid them as much as I dont need no drunk fool touching me.

"Ai, I need to speak to you it's important." He slurred.

I looked at him tumbling and slapping himself then said, "yeah later."

The kid and her father were knocked out on the couch. Was he always sleeping?

I help stupid Ryan upstairs to his room to get cleaned up once that was down I got up ready to leave.

"Wait." Red called. What a nostalgic feeling.

"What?" I said waiting for him to say those words.

"Why do you always enter my roon without premission." He asked.


He talks again, "come sleep here with me."

"Do I have to?" I really want to be in my own bed.

"Thats an order come on now." I turn around and head towards the bed and tangle myself in the sheets.

He wraps his arms around my body and says, "Have you ever had sex with a man?"

Hope you enjoy

I hope everyone summer was enjoyable now we have to go back to the hell hole called work/school, unless you work all the time then I feel sorry for you but your making that cash.😋🙃

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