Chapter 19- Lemonade and Vodka?

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"Why exactly are you bringing me to this party?" I questioned once we got into the car.

He looked at me smiles, laughed a little and said,"well I'm choosing today to come out to my father."

I let that process for a little I didn't even notice when he started the car and drove.

"Don't feel to perplex, he isn't going to blame you or anything." He said. I notice him glancing my way ever so often.

"Stop glancing my way." I tell him,"Look at the road I do not want to die today!"

Chuckling he replied,"I like what I see."

After many minutes in the car with that idiot we finally reach our destination, and when I say: wow I mean wow, this place is King (see what I did there) like. (Since I dont feel like explain not really good at it anyways here's a pic..)

"Is this the actual house you lived in?"I question him not really caring about the answer

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"Is this the actual house you lived in?"I question him not really caring about the answer.

This prick started laughing, "What's so funny?" 

"If my father actual lived in a huge place like this my mother would throw a fit." He laughed again saying," she would probably catch aneurysm."

I look at him and smile what a happy family," Wait I thought your mother was a yellow,why would your father care?

He touched my hair and said, "some of us don't care about the color of your hair." He gently brushes some of my hair out of my face a look of confution crosses over his face as he glances down at my lips. Did I ever mention that I'm quite short. He started leaning, I have to stop this now, "Well do you want to go inside or not."

"Oh right yeah we should head inside."He said leading the way.

Once inside I was awestruck the inside was amazing  obviously, there was a chandelier there a chandelier here a chandelier everywhere, the tiles where a goldish color the house smelled like leomade And vodka interesting and so many colors where here I even saw a couple of yellows of course they were the ones walking around with food.

"Hello Ryan who is your friend?"  A friendly looking red asked.

"Well he is my boyfriend Aiden." He said and I might have just died. My stupid ass should've put two and two together.

"Oh that's wonderful even though some may mot support it the only thing to care about is your father not supporting it but then again who cares you bring in your own cash." She said laughing tapping his shoulder running off to her little friends.

I looked up at him with a glare.


"When did I become your boyfriend."

"Just a moment ago weren't you paying attention." He gently tapped my nose and continued, "tsk tsk Ai."

"Tsk tsk yourself." I counter it was weak but oh well.

"Lets go talk Aiden" He dragged me off to talk.

To literally everyone. I learned there was kendra she was the one who talked to us earlier then there was Sam a orange Billy another red and tom a green and for being a green he was actually quite nice there were other people as well but I remember those threee because they where the only ones happy and go getti g while the others seemed depressed and wel yeah depressed.

"Aiden it's time to go meet my father." He places his hand on the crook of my back, "Are you ready?"

"Well this is pretend so why the hell not." I said smiling a big ass one.

He didn't seem to quite enjoy me saying it's fake but it was and I refuse to say otherwise.

"Hello son." He said hugging him. His mother hugged and kissed him to.

"Care to introduce us." His mother said eyeing me.

"This is Aiden, my boyfriend." He said proudly. I would've laughed if this was another situation.

"Wow thats umm interesting." His father said. I could tell they don't like me, but why I haven't even stolen anythig yet.

"What do you mean." Ryan ask both his parents while there were eyeing me curiously.

"We saw on news that you let your maid bardge into your work place,then you made him get a job, I wasn't expecting him to be your boyfriend how interesting." His father had a huge smile on his face where as  his mother didn't she looked a little glum.

"I didnt make him do that he was worried because I didnt wear my mask because I wore it when I was going to school to you know hide my identity and he was hell bent on getting a job and earning his own money so I left him."he shrugged like it was no big deal.

"I cant believe he got a job thats amazing." His mother who was watching me a little to hard a while ago smiled I call bullshit on it for another yellow she doesn't seem proud.

Wait hold up these people are talking about me like I'm not right here.


Hope you enjoy

"Lets fly to moon and see the world from another view...." ~Britney Johnson🙏🏽

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