Chapter 2- Personality Traits

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After sitting in the nurse's room until Mr.stay woke up. It was very boring just to let you know.

"So mister whats your name?" I ask him while we walk out the school gates.

"Um...Ryan." He said looking around like someone would just jump him from nowhere.

"Mines Aiden."

"Mhm." He mumbled.

He walked towards his car and I started walking home. You would think this is the cliche moment where he come and offers me a ride home. Nope he turned out the school gate and headed in the opposite direction.

I dreaded the sight of the house door more like toture door but oh well there is nothing I can do.  I walk inside to see everyone sitting together in a circle.

"Come here you ingrate." My father yelled motioning for me to come over.

I walk and sit close to my older brother(Zues) he looked at me with disgust and not to discreetly moved over.

Okay now that the last ingrate is here lets play a game. "Oh shit." I thought I am going to be bruised tomorrow. It just a simple toss the dime if it lands on head the person who gets it gets to punch Aiden and tails is kick.Today is simple. Lets begin.

Each one of them got to kick me punch me over and over again at some point they gave up on the coin and just started beating on me calling me  names and so on. I dont know when but i passed out I woke up in the middle of the night in utter pain I got up and headed in my roomwent in the closet and slept.

"Ugh you annoying little slut.where are you?" I heard my father scream.

"He isnt anywhere out here. He's probably in his room." Zues said.

I heard them headed up in the direction on my room so I moved as quickly as I can, I limped out the window moving quite clusmy falling off hurting myself more.

"Shit he's gone." I heard my mother voice mumble.

"The buyer isnt going to like this." My fathers voice this time.

"He has to come back home sooner or later we'll just wait until he does." My brother said.

I limp all the way to school. Oh what I have ben reduced to , being happy to go to school and shit. I saw the  gate keeper and smiled ,he smiled back the grimaced when he watched me a little better.

"I suggets you go to the nurse boy." He proposed.

I shook my head and headed toward the nurse office.

"Hello nursey arent you happy to see me in more than one day." I smiled at her.

She shook her head and smiled up at me saying, "come sit let me look at those wounds."

She lifted my shirt and underneath it was litterally black and blue she patched me up and sent me on my way.

I walked into my 2nd period and took my seat.

Mr.Scott since you just came in why dont you read this for the class." She handed me a paper and usherd me to get up and read.

I stood up and started to read the passage or whatever it was,
"He sold me.
He really did.
I cant believe this.
He said he loved me and would never give me up!
But that was a lie, for he did.
And now here I am everyday ,
Getting it rammed into me.
Even when I cry out in pain they just seem to enjoy it more.
You left me here in the hands of those sick bastards.
But I can only say thank you for now I know trust no one.
Thank You."

I handed the paper back to the teacher and sat down.

"Now we are going to answer a few questions about this paper." Mrs.Hotsmon said. "First question, what color do you think she was?"

One kid hand shot up he was a green, those slimy bastards," I think she's a yellow, only yellows get sold there only good for there sex appeal."

"Who else thinks shes a yellow raise hand." Majority of the class hands where up. "Wrong she was red, dont forget guys reds have there own charms to thats why they say reds shouldn't trust no one even if they may be at the top you can still be sold. Human trafficking is no joke." She said smiling.

"Anyways second question, what color do you think the man was?" This time i rose my hand she seemed happy about that. "Yes."

"I think hes a greeen those slimy bastards will do anything for money just as there hair indicates, selfish bastards." I said.

"Please refrain from using that word in my class please, and yes you are right the greens personality doesn't make them the friendliest of people or the most trust worthy." She said smiling." Well since where on the personalities of the colors write this down in your copybooks you will be having a test on it tomorrow.

I open my copy books and wrote down the personality traits;
1)Red-Dominating, clever, ruthless.
2)Blue-Active, Agreeable, Clean-headed.
5)Green- Selfish,Troublesome,Thievish.

"That is only some of the traits. I know what your thinking how come yellow is below well there loving forgiving selves makes them get used quick alot to me they sound better than greens but who am I." Mrs.Hotsmon said shrugging her shoulders.

The green-headed boy looked back at with pure hatred . Seems like I'm goung to be a victim to bullying real soon. I sighed got up and left the room. I opened up the nurse room to see Stay in there.

He looked up from what he was doing for only a split second.

"Wheres the nurse?" I asked him.

"Idk she just said she'll be back in a little while."he replied fastly.

"Mhmm ok." I went over and laid on one of the beds."wake me when she comes I need to tell her something." I didnt hear if he agreed or not because I needed sleep from the lack I got anyways.

Hope you enjoyed

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