Chapter 31- Crows

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"Wow I can feel the air in my hair is this what  freedom feels like." Mason sings.

"Would you please shut the hell." Chef whisper yell at him, "stop talking as you can see we're in a life or death situation."

"Are we? Are we really?" He retorts back.

"Yes, yes we are and I swear, Mason, if you don't shut the hell up I will shove my foot so far down ur throat..." Chef was about the finish that statement but I cut him off saying,

"Shh someone's there." I say holding my arms out.

"Oh really." Mason rolls his eyes, "didn't notice."

"Do you have to be sarcastic about everything?"  I ask him.

"Why yes my friend."

"Anyways how are we going to get past them?" I ask.

"Good question." Chef says, "how bout you go distract them and we sneak up behind them and knock them out."

"Why must I be the distraction." I argue, "I think Masons is fit  for that position he pisses people off easily."

"What no I don't." He tries to argue but we have our minds set already.

"Fine." Mason stands up and head towards the guards, "hey fellas, gosh I hope I don't die, you guys made a few mistakes first of all that shirt looks like shit second aren't you guys guards shouldn't you dress like guards?"

"Well, well, well." One of the guards says, "what do we have here a little blue looks eatable to."

"What you a cannibal." He ask.

They take a step closer and closer, "yes we eat devour you might say to bad your not a yellow oh they're so amazing."

And with that they step way to close to Mason not seeing Chef run up behind them knocking them out.

"How they ain't see you guys." Mason says folding his arms, "like the wall was right there couldn't they use there side vision?"

"You mean their peripheral vision." Chef assists.

"This is stupid lets go." Walking further into the jail like cell,oh tunnel, we hear voices in the furthers room.

"What did you do to Aiden?" Ryan voice says.

"We stored him nicely away or he's probably getting broken in who knows." The green guy from before says.

"Aye, one of you guys lets do somthing smart go check to see if they have phones and if they do go call 911 I don't feel like dealing with this shit any longer." I says smiling at Mason.

"You're funny." Mason says shaking his head, "Aint no way I'm going back over there, what if those assholes wake up and snatch me away as you can tell I'm pretty sure it's mostly greens working."

"Are you scared?" Chef ask.

"No, I'm not." Mason says, "I'm just spewing words for style."

"Well, if that the case go get the damn phone and call 911 so we can get out of here( and so this story can end.)"

"Argh, fine I'll do it." He tiptoes over towards them.

"Wth, what are you doing." Ryan screams. Looking through the window we see Green shoving a screw driver in his shoulder.

"What the Hell!" I scream running into the room.

"Aww..loookie here." Green says smiling at me Chef walks in like some type of badass locking the door.

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