Chapter 18- Monsters

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"Aw aren't they so cute." A voice floats above my head.

"I know right such a gay couple." Thats when my eyes snap open and I came face to face with the devil and her father.

"Why are you guys still here?" I ask the purple hair girl and her father whos names I forgot, did they ever mention them?

"Well my dad has quite the hangover and we didnt just want to leave before you guys got up it would be rude." She said in a sickly sweet voice.

I smiled back,sat up,and said,"well I'm awake now so you can get out."

"Why are you being so rude." Orange kid said.

I snicker and say, "oh you aint see rude yet."

Mhmm. Red moans next to me signaling his awakening.

"What's going on?" He grumbles.

"Im trying to get rid of monsters." Orange sticks her tongue out after me and I do the same.

Red sits up rubs his eye quite harsh; might I add, and question, "Why are you trying to run my friend."

I pause, had to come up with something quick saying, "because Red I care so much about your sleep."

"Do you really? He ask very suspicious.

Looking away I see those idiots still watching us so I get up and turn to escape.

"Where are you going?" She say following me.

"To my room, I have to work."

"I called your job and said you have a high fever and delusional." She smiles at me.

"Whyy would you do that?!" I didn't want to stay here with you people.

"Because we need to have a talk, you,me and red." She grabs my arm and brings me into the living room where red is already sitting looking as lost as I am.

I pull my hand from hers and ask, "Whats going on?"

"We need to talk about the wedding."

"WEDDING!?" I scream.

"Yes now come sit." I follow and sit down.

"Okay now I know we just got to know each other not to long ago." She says clasping her hands, "but I like you and I approve of this relationship."

"Wait hunny, wait, you need to wait until a relationship actual exist for you to approve." I say looking at Red seeing him agree.

"So there's nothing going on?"

"Obviously not." I do a little shake with my head.

"Oh well Ryan I have this great friend who's in love with you if you're interested I could you know hook you guys up." Before red could even answer I say..

"Wait it's really time to go Red hasn't even eaten breakfast yet and as a maid its my job to make sure he stays alive." I say smiling big. I help her and her father who didnt utter a word out the house.

"Is that jealousy I smell." Ryan says laughing.

"What you smell is bullshit." I say, "now go eat."

"Bossy I likey."He says throwing a wink my way.

I point in the direction of the kitchen with a glare.

He puts his hands up in surrender saying, "ok ok I'm going."

I have a headache now. I pull out my trusty book out of no where and jump on the sofa amd start reading.

Not even six seconds(probably exaggerated) pass and my name gets called to the kitchen.


"Lets go to a party." He says smiling at me. Oh hell no that smiles can't mean anything good.


"My plus one." He holds my hands.

"Mhm. Fine but I'm only agreeing because I feel like I still have no choice."

"Liar." He coughs out. "Anyways be ready in 7."

"Okay well I'll be in my room." I say flying off.

8 minutes later..(late smh)

"Aiden are you ready?" Ryan screams.

"I'm coming." Walking down the stairs I get a prom type of vibes.

"Nice tux."I say. Nice burgundy suit or should I say a Skinny Velvet Tuxedo Blazer. The material is amazing, but that will never leave my mouth. Where as I was just wearing a simple suit.

 Where as I was just wearing a simple suit

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"Yeah you to

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"Yeah you to."he says smiling at me.

"Why burgundy though?"


"Well?" I push.

"Just because...anyways lets leave." We walk to the car and drive of to only the lord knows.


Hope you enjoy

Sorry I made a slight mistake the little's girl hair was orange.


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