Chapter 33- Until next Time

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8 months later

"Aiden, are you making breakfast?" Ryan ask walking up behind me kissing my cheek.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I question.

We notice Mason walking down the stairs, Ryan quickly moves from behind me.

"You guys don't have to stop being lovey dovy just because I walk into the room. I'm thankful enough that you guys leave me stay here." Mason rolls  his eyes sitting down.

Mason didn't have anywhere else to go so Ryan offered him to live here, he agreed and throughtout the stay he was so depressed, he barely left his room, barely ate anything and, refused to talk to us, any of us, but who can honestly blame him the only guy he loved died and he didn't get to tell him anything.

Bet he regrets being so mean to him constantly.

"Sorry." Ryan says sitting down.

I place the plates infront of them and they start eating.

That pink hair cop keeps in touch every now and then and apparently they are still looking for Ryan's father, but they just can't seem to get a lead they found his, Ryan's, mother though and not in a healthy state.  Her skin was peeled off her body and they said she seemed to be raped it also seemed he beat her basically the bastared rotured her until the end.

Ryan was distraught he cried so much he blamed himself for her death, he even bashed his head into a window. I told him that was an over and his mother wouldn't want to see him in a state like this, he also went a while not eating and talking to people the house was just full of depression.

"Why didn't you hire another Chef?" Mason says stabbing his sausage with the fork.

"Because, I will be the cook now." I said smiling at him.

"But, you have a job." Mason says shaking his head.

"So?" I ask.

"I think this way is fine." Ryan smiles.

"Of course." Mason smiled, "I'll also find a job, so you know I don't be a freeloader." He seemed happy didn't he, but we all know he's putting on a facade for what he's really feeling.

"Lets try and live a happy life." I smile putting my fork up so they could clink ours together.

Mason left the house saying, "he's going to start right away and leave us to out privacy."

——intimacy R-rated skip over if you don't like-


"Well he said it." Ryan said walking up behind me trailing his finger up my spin making me shiver.

"What do you have in mind." I say turning around and wrapping my arms around his neck.

Ryan attacks my mouth viciously pushing his tongue into that awaiting mouth, "I've been waiting for this since I met you."

"Ryan, not here." I say trying to push him back.

He doesn't move, but he lifts my body up, trailing butterfly kisses up and down my neck he brought me up the stairs kicked open his room and dropped me on the bed.

"You ready for this?" I ask him smiling.

"Been ready." He goes back to kissing me roughly rubbing his hands up and down my body.

He tore off my shirt, see I told you these things are so weak, leaving my chest bare. I start trying to strip him also.

As I try to strip off Ryans own uniform, Ryan eagerly moved onto my pants, sliding them down over my ass. They don't make it all off before those hands are back on my ass, squeezing my  cheeks. Ryan groans with want and I finally take off Ryans shirt and pants.I rub my hands down that broad chest, nails scraping over impenetrable flesh all the way down, sticking my hand down, grabbing a hold of his manhood.

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