Chapter 12- It🤷🏽‍♀️

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Knock. knock.

"Who? It's really to early for this; if I do say so myself." I sit up on my bed and look at the time.5:47. What the hell.

Walking down the stairs I open the door to be greeted with the queen herself.

"Oh its you." She said letting herself in.

"Why hello to you to," I said following her deeper into the house, "may I get you some tea."

"No. Do you even know how to make it?" She suddenly questions.

"I wouldnt be asking if I didnt know." I rolled my eyes. I am starting to not like her.

"Well yes I wouldnt mind." She sat down looking up at me.

I smiled down at her and shaked my head, "nope you already declined."

"Why do you damn yellows always think you guys are better than us." She says.

"Woah I think your getting a little off topic here." I said sitting down.

"No I am not." She said crossing her leg, then she has the audacity to point her finger at me and question me, "why are you even living here what kind of assistance do you provide for Ryan I hope it isnt what I think it is because I will hurt you and Ryan."


"You have jokes." I smile at her. "Well I'll go get Ryan for you." Standing up I head towards the stairs but she holds me back." (Is Ryan not hearing all this talking).

"All you yellows are the same. You guys think since you have a womb or what ever you can just after whom you please even when they're taken." She all but screamed now.

And again I laughed.

"This is what is wrong with the world of today." I gulp in a huge sum of air and began, "First of all these yellows are not the same like why dont you assholes get that through your thick skulls, no one person can be exactly the same that is ridiculous speaking personality wise they have to have a slight difference and for your information alot of the colors can have wombs some of the other colors can have wombs.Its not very common in reds and oranges, but a little more common in purples,Greens, blues and purples, and is so totally not even slightly found in yellows ;almost every yellow you meet or talk to had a womb ,but not all nope not all has a womb so you twats need to stop with the bullshit." I said in one breath honestly I dont know where it came from but I said it do I feel lighter of course I dont I feel like I just ate a burrito and is now constipated, "anyways I will now get the man you came here to see. Now would you kindly sit down and dont touch me ever again." And with the I turned around and headed up the stairs.

Opening the door not really bothering to knock the door I bardge in to be meet with amzing abs.

Opening the door not really bothering to knock the door I bardge in to be meet with amzing abs

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"What Aiden." He said looking up at me forgetting about the shirt.

"You know you could answer me a little nicer." I said, " but a girl is downstairs for you I think you would want to put on a shirt and also you need to go to work your secretary called and said you have a meeting to attend to I dont know for what time honestly she didnt sound like it was an important business meeting more like a booty call.. a sexy booty call." I said winking at him.

"Get out and tell that girl I'll be down in a minute." He said putting the other sleave on I think I just had a mind orgasm.

"Nope." I said walking out the room and heading towards the kitchen to make him some food. Aren't I just a nice person.

"What are you doing?"The she devil ask.

"Oh making breakfast for an ungrateful bum." With that she left such a strange girl.

I set Ryans food on the table and head to my room.

A few Hours later.

"AIDEN!!" Ryan screams kills my soul. I walk towards the kitchen and spot the poddle next to him.

"What." I said extremely bored.

"What did you tell to clara?" He said watching me pointly like telling me say some dumb shit right here right now I dare you.

"Who the f*ck is clara?" Questiom of the year you dumbass.

"This is my secretary clara." Oh thats booty calll haha.

"Why are you laughing this is serious Ai." She said so I sober up and look at her. Look at her smiling up at him and shit.

"I didnt do nun." I said. I looked at her and the it had the nerve to smile.

"He screamed at me Ry." She said tracing his arm.


"You people crack me up. Dont you guys hve important business to deal with trying get all tattle tale on me." I said smiling at them.

"Yes sir there is a business meeting that is suppose to be going on in a little while we should go you can deal with your slave when you get back home." She said smiling at him.

"Freaky. I wonder if sex in the office is as good as they say."


I guess we'll have to find out.

Hope you guys having a great summer.

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