Chapter 26- When the cock crows

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"Wake the fuck up." I said shaking Ryan from his sleep. How the hell did he end up in my room again. I remember specifically putting him in his room to sleep he did agree a little to willingly, I should have seen this coming.

"What the hell? Ai, it's to early to be awake." Ryan said rolling over on the other side of the bed. After a good couple of minutes of trying to wake him up I say,"Ugh, I don't have time for this." getting up leaving Ryan.

Walking towards the kitchen I see Mason and the Chef having a heated conversation, is it an argument? or is it not? That is the question.

"Why are you,Mason, awake so early?"I question looking between him and Chef, until chef placed a plate in front of me and I forgot about Mason and his excistence until he spoke up.

"When the sun shows, the cock crows." Mason says making Chef and I stop what we were doing and watch him like he was stupid"What, you know when you wake up both cock crows or they definately make themselves known."Oh gosh how did this come about?

"Why is this relevant?'"Chef says moving from where he was once standing.

"Because he asked why I was awake so early." He watched me and shrugged his shoulder. I followed to and shrugged mines.

"I thought you guys were going to my moms." The King of all kings say walking into the room perfectly dressed like he wasn't just asleep a while ago, sitting on the chair next to mine and starts eating my pancakes.

I sit there mouth wide open. He looked at me smiled and said, "What cat got your tongue?"

"I'm about to have your head." I say getting up from my chair and putting his head in a chokehold. "The cat has who tongue?"I say messing with his hair.

"Not mine." He says forcefully pulling my hands apart standing up and flinging me over his shoulder, "let's leave these to love birds get ready so we could leave." He says walking up the stairs to whomever room and all I could think about was that last pancake Ryan just had to come and eat. I saved that pancake specifically for last it was so perfectly rounded the syrup was evenly ditrubuted, omg I can't believe this.

"Why do you look like you saw a ghost?" He snaps his fingers infront of me. I didn't even notice when he placed me on his bed.

Looking at at him I imagined him lifting up my pancake and putting it in his godly shaped mouth and it made me even more angry.

"Are you not going to answer me?" He says sitting next to me. "Even so you have to get ready so we could leave."

Looking at him I roll my eyes and walk out of the room heading to mines, I don't care if I'm being petty nobody eats my pancakes.

"Come on Ai don't be mad get glad." He smiled big and broad even pulled me into a hug, gave me butterfly kisses all over my face until I started to laugh and push him away from my face.

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