Chapter 4- And Sold

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" You stupid piece of shit. How dare you." He exclaimed backhand slapping me. I spit out the blood looking right up at him dead in the eyes.

"what happened?" Steroids ask looking between me and Green.

"The little fucker bite me!" he glared right at me a deathly aura around him. Wow. I was going to die today how fun. I wonder how heaven was but no what if I ended up in the underworld."beat him down till he's a bloody screaming mess." Steroid's walked up to me and kicked me right in the face making me fly to the ground.

"ugh." I said spitting out more blood. They walked up to me and started kicking me and punching me over and over again after a little bit I started seeing doubles.

"Green isn't that enough?He isn't moving." Some stranger said he looked really nice with his dark orange hair and tight muscles you could see from his shirt. I didn't notice him the first time but I didn't see a lot of these people they suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"No keep going." He grabbed me forcefully by my hair pretty sure he took some with him. He made me rest my back on the wall. I looked up at him.He smiled down at me then brought his leg down onto my shaft making me scream out in pain," ugh stop it hurts." I saw some of his friends wince like they felt the pain.

"Thats what you get." He kneeled in front of me touched my cheek saying," I wonder how red would think of his little slave now." With that he got up and left me there trying not to cry in pain.

I stayed there not to sure for how long, but it  felt like a decade. I forced all my might and stood up. I turned around and watched my self in the Mirror, wincing at my reflection I inspected the deep cut  that took refuge on my left cheek, bringing my hand up to touch it,stupid idea. There was more though I had a black eye making my eyes look bigger than a golf ball. I groaned aloud. I take a step for the door wincing every step of the way.

I walked into the empty halls. I wonder if stay left before me, it would make sense though it was time to get the hell out. I limped out the school gates I looked left. I looked right. Up. Down. The parking lot was a complete desert I could practically see.  Do I want to go home? No. Do I have a choice? Probably. Is it safe? Nope. Am I going?Hmm, should I? I mean I could go home and then get solder to some random stranger who will use you as a sex slave or you could just sleep on the streets, living the hobo lifestyle.

I walk in the direction of my house. ugh! I know bad Idea, but I don't want to sleep on these streets maybe my master might treat me nice oh who i'm I kidding. I walk into the house expecting my parents to be there ready to curse me instead I saw no one. I heard though hushed voiced in the living room.

"yes we are waiting for him to come home." I heard my mothers voice say. Curiosity got the best of me and I headed into the living room. I looked around the room until my eyes landed on Stay what the bloody murder was he doing here, well besides you know sitting and talking.

"what is going on here?" I questioned like I didn't know already. Why does Stay want to buy me?He's up to something that priss.

"omg what happened to you face." My mother said. " You was suppose to keep it looking nice you shit this nice young man came to buy to and this is how you show up to him so disrespectful." Well there goes me thinking she cared no wonder she and my dad was together they only cared about money nothing else not even there own kids.

"well you know if only I cared." I responded smiling at her.  I saw hate flash through her eyes as she took a frightening  step towards me.

Stay stood up this time ," He's coming with me now I paid you well now get on with your lives." He grabbed my hand suddenly dragging me out the house quite roughly.

"shouldn't I get some clothes before I go?" I questioned him.

He stooped abruptly making me bump into his fine tone back," No I do not want those fifthly things in my house."

"wow,okay." Was all I said. We reached his car he opened the door and flinted me in the passenger seat slamming the door and walking over to the drivers and getting In. He started the car and off we were to my new home. I watched him not to discreetly, He had on the
mask still but it had a dancing bear design, Watching him closer I noticed his hair wasn't red red like blood red more like a more toned down type of red, then there was his eyes a navy blue real dark on the border of black. I watched how his muscles Bludge out like there didn't want to be restricted.

"Take a picture I know my god like features are amazing." He said obnoxiously.

I just stared at him.

"Stop that now." He finally said.

I tilted my head and asked," Why do you wear the mask?" Wow while your at it just ask him to drop his pants so we could see his stuff. My conscious said.

"I'm not telling you thats is my personal information." He said. He didn't seem mad or anything so I assume it wasn't anything bad, but He could also be really good at hiding his feelings.

"oka then why did you buy me?" He glanced at me.

"You'll see." I didn't like the sound of that.

We finally reached his house. I thought it was going to be this eight floor type of building but turns out it was just a simple two story.He opened the door and I walked in and a scent instantly hit my nose I looked around and took note that this place was filthy. I turned around and looked at him my eyes turning wide  at this filth how can he live in this?

"I needed a maid." He finally says.

Hope you enjoy

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