Chapter 21-Blue boy

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Ryan's Pov

I thought he would ignore me after I kissed him that night ago, but nothing hasn't change he still acts the exact same way around me. Why,can't he be a little more affected? Am I the only one over thinking this?

"Sir, are you okay you look a little pale." My secretary ask's me looking a little troubled.

Smiling up at her I answer with, "I'm fine."

Taking the documents from her hands I dismiss her; She looks back still with that look of worry on her face.

He's affecting me even when I'm at work. I think I'll hit up a club today to get these thoughts out of my head.

Five hours later, "thank god I'm done," I say to no one in particular. What bar should I hit up today? A gay one.

"Silver Lines, huh I guess it'll have to do." Walking in I see silver everywhere, well this bar lives up to it's name. Sitting down the bartender walks up to me asking, "what do you want to drink?"

"What's good?" I inquire.

"Silver dragon, Silver tongue and Silver Snake."

What the hell is this an obsession? "I'll take the Silver Dragon."

Waiting, waiting, waiting.

"Here you go sir." "Thanks."

"Hey Mister." A blue haired boy say smiling up at me, aww he's cute with his dimple smooth looking hair and big eyes, but he has nothing on Aiden.

"Yo." I said not really into it he might be adorable, but Aiden oh gosh Aiden, he just seems to be on my mind no matter what. I should just force him to fall for me,no I have to be patience.

A frown falls upon his face, "Mister, are you thinking about someone?" Oh josh should I tell him?

I guess I will, "Well...I am but I don't think they like me back and it hurts." Oh I sound like a wuss.

"Don't worry you don't sound like a b*tch." He says grabbing onto my arm, "If you're sad can I maybe do something about it?"

"Like." I bet he's going to say sex. Do I need relief kinda.

"Ecchi stuff."He smiles up, "I don't have any diseases, I promise."

"Why not." I say.
His face fell, "what do you mean,why not do you want me to have a disease?

"No no thats not what I meant." I say holding my hands up in the air, "I was agreeing to doing it."

His face lit up, "oh thank god I thought you had a problem." What the hell is wrong with this guy?

We left the bar and headed to my house. Couple minutes later we reached and he talked his ass off, I learned he was 5'2, 20, and he worked at some store.

Unlocking the door, walks in, nobody seemed home. Where would Aiden be at a time like this? Oh well I don't care let me go have some fun with this guy.

"Ohh I'm so excited lets start." He says jumping up on me as soon as we enter my room, kissing me with frantic intensity, all this passion like he missed me,but I never knew him.

An animal in heat, his hand slid up under my shirt while the other passed throw my red mane. Lifting him up, wow he's light, I place him on the bed, I wish this was Aiden his soft milky skin, lifting the boys leg I imagine it as Ai's legs and start tracing kissing down his leg. "Aiden." I say indulging in my fantasy, all restraint now gone and my passion let lose like a demon on the prowl.

2 whole hours later. They were finally done.

"Wow I can't move." Blue boy say. "You can go on for hours."

"Uhuh."I say feeling a little guilty. All I think about is that yellow headed brat.

"Whoever that Aiden guy is he's lucky he wont ever be sex deperived." He smiles up at me.

Hmm you're probably right. "Are you staying or leaving?"

"I'll be leaving?" He says putting his clothes on. Walking him to the door I realize he probably lives far so I ask, "Do you need a ride?"

"No i'll be fine, thanks for the night I'll forever remember it." He smiles walking away.

Closing the door I sigh and turn around only to face Aiden.

"Did you have fun?" He ask. Is he mad? Oh oh please make this be jealousy.

"Umm did you hear everything thing down to the words leaving our mouths ?"I ask because then he would've heard me saying his name over and over again.

"Mhm." He says walkig away from me.
What kind of answer is that?

"Do you want dinner?" He ask looking back at me.

Aiden wants to eat dinner with me, "yes."

"Well the chef made to much for me so you can have the rest goodnight." He says walking out the kitchen and towards his room.

Argh!! I'm so whipped; what is wrong with me.

I want to cry.

Hope you enjoy🙃

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