Chapter 13- Job

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"You know I've been thinking."I say munching  on an apple.

"Must have been tough." Ryan says looking up from his supposed business papers.

"Why are you always so mean to me? What happened to that so called confession?" Throwing the apple core and completely missing the trash I turn my head to meet his.

"It was a joke." He said. Oh he has jokes.

I know you're probably wondering where are we and what happen to booty call. Well turns out it wasnt a booty call and a real business call which I mistakenly interruped just because of my stupidity ugh but this is what happened.( flash back music)

Earlier that day..
"Ahh yess that book was so good so sad thats Its done what to do what to do?" I say taping away at the book cover.

Getting up I head towards Ryans room because aye why not he doesnt like me in there anyways. So why not just do what I want went I want. Walking in I survey the place and honestly its clean nothing looked like it was touched or moved from when I cleaned his room all those days ago.


I continue looking around until I spot that mask. Wait he didnt go with his mask?

Obviously not, my conscious says. I pick it up and head towards the door.

I hope he needs this. I catch a cab to Golden Ridge, yup thats what he named it you should have seen my expression when he sort of told me.

Walking up to the receptionist I ask her if I could speak to Mr.King(Formal aint I).

"Can you wait a bit hes in a very important meeting." She tells me I scoff and shake my head.

"Inportant meeting my ass I bet it was his little assitant that told you that," I say shaking my head some more, "I'm going up there." I say walking towards the office place. To be honest I got lost and some kind guy showed me where his office was.

Opening the door.

I look around then down at the door saying, "you really need to oil this door."

"What the hell is he doing here." The stupid woman screams out. After she said that, appreantly everbody had something to say.

"Quiet down this is a business table not a fish market." Ryan screams out before turning to me saying, "what are you doing here Aiden?"

"Well I thought you needed your mask." I say scratching the back of my head.

"Oh." He says smiling looking around, "well guys thank you for coming leave your products here with me and I'll give you a call if I like it."

"Okay." They say in sync ,then get up and leave.

"You may leave to Clara."She looks up at him like she's seen a ghost.

"What? You want me to leave you in here with him." She says looking at me up and down. Right now she looks like a spoiled tomato.

"Yes." He shows her to the door will I start looking around his desk and just being nosy me .His office was quite spacious, it had a nice view of the city and all it imperfections, the table where all the men where sitting was right next to that view, he had an flat screen tv attached to the wall and an interesting design behind his work table. Overall his office was good, yes just good.

 Overall his office was good, yes just good

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"Why are you really here." Looking up at him I smile.

"I already told you why I'm here didnt I?" I pulled out the mask swinging back and forth.

"I dont need it now." He says sitting down.

"Why is that?" I question.

"Because I only wear it when going on television." He says picking up some papers, while I dig in his fridge and pull out an apple.

Back to here..
"You know I've been thinking."I say munching  on an apple.

"Must have been tough." Ryan says looking up from his supposed business papers.

"Why are you always so mean to me? What happened to that so called confession?" Throwing the apple core and completely missing the trash I turn my head to meet his.

"It was a joke." He said. Oh he has jokes.

"It didnt seem like a joke." I say sitting on his desk smiling down at him.

"Are you trying to seduce me Ai?" He grabs my thigh and looks up at me.

"Of course not why would I even think about doing that to an red." He looks up at me removing his hand.

"I want a job." I say standing and pulling one of the chairs from where the men were sitting and placing it infront of his desk.

"You want a job?"He stares at me and when he notices that I'm very serious he laughs, "A little yellow like you can't get a job."

"And why the fuck not?" I say folding my arms.

"Because you, first have no education, second yellow's don't get jobs;unless being a maid is a job, but you guys don't get paid, last but not least you my little yellow will surely not be working for someone else especially if I have a say in it or not." He says standing up now.

"Oh come on red, I think I have a chance to get a job with or without and education I will become the first yellow in ages to get a job." I say determination flowing from me.

"We'll see about that little yellow." I look at him frowning.

"Would you stop calling me that, and I'm heading to your house, wait where are your other maids I thought you had you told me you had." I say, he looks up at me and smiles.

Smiling he says, "I fired all of them."

"What?!" I shriek.

"Calm down they had other jobs and plus they weren't yellows I have my cooks though they are back you dont have to cook anymore you should be happy all you have to so now is clean." He say smiling up at me while I was still in shock.

"Yeah yeah whatever as long as nobody tries to pick a problem with me." I say walking out of his office and heading home.


Hope you enjoy

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