Chapter 15-Question

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"I'll drop you off to work."Ryan says,well more like demands.

"How bout No." I say smiling at him. I walk towards the door and just as my hand was on the knob a hand grabbed me around the waist and reeled me in.

"I didnt ask you a question, Ai, I simply told you what I was doing." He says smirking down at me. This damn red, I bet he's up to something good for nothing son of a wonderful woman probably. "You coming?" He screams.

"Prick." I rush towards him and we both head to the garage. Getting in I direct him to where it is.

"You were going to walk all the way here?" He looks at me then around then back at me.

"Whats with you and questions." I whispered opening the door and jumping out.

"Wait for me." He locked the door and jumped out to.

"You..What are you doing?!" I question-scream at him. Picking up my soeed I didnt really listen to his answer and walked in when I did everbody eyes looked in this direction but because im pretty sure they noticed the fool who i just noticed didnt wear his mask.

"Where's your mask?" I said pulling in deeper inside. He pulled it out and waved it in front of my faced. "Put it on, you think just because there in the hood or whatever they won't notice you, think again buddy."

I leave him there to sit by himself while to work. Not even 10 minutes in there was a huge ruckas outside.

"Go see whats going on." My co-worker says.

What the hell is this idiot up to. Hmm he didnt put on the mask and now is surrounded by a bunch of people.

"WAITRESS over here!" I turn my head to look at his left hand.

Walking towards them smiling I say, "I'm a boy."

"Oh my bad sorry." Dont look happy smiling and shit. "Can you bring drinks over here?" She smiled snuggling closer to Ryan.

"Is this man here paying?" I ask her.

"Yea." "Ok."

Walking away. Returning. Walking away. Rturning. That bloody man brought food for everyone. Had me walking so damn much to please a that nasty table when I had other people to serve.

"Hey sweet thing." Some green headed fool hollered. Do I attract idiots or something?

"What may I get you." He reached out and grabbed my bum. I move and ask the same question again. He tried it again. With that I left this back and forth shit isnt going to work for me.

"Some bad customer service." He screams. " this place should be knocked down, whats even worst is they make filthy yellows work here."

"What the hell men, weren't you the one tryigg to touch this yellows ass when I was trying to get you order. Who's  the filthy one huh?" I retort back.

"You son of a bitch." He jumped of the chair and stalk over to me.

"Well my mother was somewhat a bitch." I say smiling while he got closer.


Green turns around and tsk while sittig back down, another person come and takes his order.

"Aiden your shift is done go home." The boss says. I look at her and shake my head.

I head outside ready to leave when someone grabs me and throws me into their car. Am I that light?

"Ai what was that back there.. do you have to give an answer back all the time?" Ryan says. I forgot this bastart was here. Bad luck.

"He called me filthy and you expected me not to say anything back." I say starting to get angry.

"Well understandable but sometimes you just have to let it go." He smiles.

"So you want me to look like a wimp everyone thinks all yellows have only one thing in mind and thats sex if I dont stand up for my self Im going to feel bad."

"Oh leave them say what they want Ai."

"Thats easy for you to say. You're this big bad red."

"People say things behind my back all the time."

"That's behind your back,Red ,they don't need to do that.They can say it to my face, they can rape me..I can go to the cops and they won't even do anything; they can beat me senseless and the cops wont do nothing." Tears started streaming down like a hurricane was about to happen. "And you know what's even worst Red. I dont have anyone's shoulder to cry on now do I? No..yellow has a shoulder to cry on not even some of their husbands care about them making them walk around like cumdumpers.

"....." He just stares at me while I sobb silently.

"Can we go?"

"Yeah yeah where going."

Walking into the house, straight to my so call room. Laying on my bed I instantly regret what I said. What is up with me and speeches.

A slight knock with a call, "Aiden?"

I stand up knock the door back saying, "Ryan?" Opening the door I watch him like wtf do you want.

"Don't give me that look." He said with a slight chuckle. "I came to see how you were doing."

"Well I'm fine thanks." I say closing the door.

"I want to keep you company just incase." He says forcing his way in.

Jumping on my bed he lays down smiling at me.

I look at him and frown while laying down, but as far away from him as possible.

6minutes pass.

"Aye Ai remember when I told you I liked you?"

"No I dont." I say my back still facing him.

"Well I really are so interesting you speak your mind and your really strong will." His finger glides over the dip in my waist.

"Will you shut up and go sleep?" I say turning around to face him. Shit to close to close abort back around I turn.

"Wait cuddle with me." He says pulling me closer into his chest. "Just relax and sleep."

Freaking Prick.


Hope you enjoy.

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