Part 20- No Fun

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"I don't see why you have to do this, Ryan." I say feeling extremely uncomfortable. Right now I am currently dancing with this prick.

Smiling he ask, "What ever do you mean?"

"This." I do a circular motion with my head. "Even if you wanted to come out you didn't need to do it with me here and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have a problem with you being single."

"Well I wanted to make you my boyfriend." He winks.

"Ehhem." Turning my head I see umm...Kendra, "why don't you give us a kiss, before the shows over."

"No." I quickly decline.

"But why this party is so boring we need to spice it up a bit, and ain't nobody gonna believe that your dating." She said holding my arms.

"No,I don't give a hoot if they believe or not." I say detaching myself from stupid,Ryan, "just because we're a couple it doesn't mean we like Phd."

"Well I for one don't have a problem with it." Ryan says, I glare at him, "but Ai doesn't enjoy it so lets not." Awkwardly laughs.

Pouting she says, "you guys are no fun." and walks away.

"If you ever think about kissing me in a public place I will Kill you." I say.

"Mhm. Alright." He agreed suspiciously fast.

"You're not up to anything stupid right." He shook his head 'no'.

We stayed at that party for so long , omg I was so bored. The friends I had left before the congratulations or whatever and Ryan left without me even noticing, his mother stole him away from me wait why am I saying it like that ugh.

"Are you ready, Ai?" Ryan says popping back up. Hmm just when I was thinking about him. Is he some type of demon?


"Alright." Holding my hands his excuse was,
"going out in style."

"Uhuh, in style." He says, I use my middle finger to rub the back of his hands.

We reach to the car and Ryan opens the door, like I'm not a man and god ain't bless me with two hands.

"I can see the ungratefulness in your eyes." He says really close to my face, "don't worry I'm only doing this because they're watching."

Rollig my eyes and saying, "Sure."

We both get into the car and speed home. After about like 4 minutes of  an illegal speeding, no talking ,car ride we finally reach our destination.

As I was about to open the door Ryan stops me.

"What?" I look in his direction bad idea.

Ryan pulls my head into his making our lips touch, and I was very suprised but not disgusted;his lips were soft to the touch and firm with the application. He tasted almost like lemonade. Pulling away he smiled at my druken face. Oh hell no.

"What the hell do you think your doing

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"What the hell do you think your doing." I screamed when I came back from my trance.

"Kissing you." Continuing, "You said if I kissed you in public you would kill me but you never mentioned about private."

"Oh really." I ball my hand in a fist, "what gave you the right to kiss me anyways."

Putting a finger on his chin he smiles and says, "Because you're my boyfriend."

"That was an act wasn't it?" I question.

"Of course ." He laughes, "but you have to continue this for the rest of your life."

"What kind of logic is that?"

"My logic." Shaking his head he ask, "you enjoyed that kiss though, right?"

"No!" I yell, opening the door and marching into the house. Freaking prick.

Hope you guys enjoyed🕺🏾
Thanks 🙏🏽 to who ever enjoys/read my book.

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