Chapter 9- A wolf

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"Go on a date with you? Oh come on mehn me go out with you." He frowned instantly and I continued talking, " I don't mean it in a bad way because your breathtaking but I want to date someone who loves me, who likes me for me."

"Ai I wouldn't ask you to go on date with me if I didn't really like you." He said smiling at me while I frowned at him." You need to believe me I didn't buy you because I wanted you as a maid, seeing you actually listen to me was just a turn on even though you barley did."

"I don't know you did say you wasn't into dude." He blinked at me," What?"

"Yes you said wasn't into dudes so meaning your not gay meaning you don't like me." I paused and looked at him his lips was pressed into a thin smile, then it hit me why else would a red want to date a yellow unless....

"Aha you want to be the first to make a color of hope don't you, because no one had yet to make one after thousands of years.  After so many tries you would think reds would just give it a break." I said like I solved a mystery that been alive for decades.

"That is nonsense, I do not believe in this color of hope that is impossible because yellow and red makes orange, and seeing as I'm the dominant trait, hair color wise if we do have a kid he or she will pick up red hair." folding his arms he smirks back at me.

"oh really well to bad because I don't like you like that." I shot back. His smirk fell and was replaced with sadness oh gosh don't tell me I did that.

"Fine then but I will make you mines even if it kills me." Oh he can't be serious right?

I finsh cleaning his filthy room and head towards the kitchen to make lunch. I wonder if we make kids will they be popping because I don't want no ugly child but if he ends up being ugly,I will love him either way. Will they have blue eyes or not? Will they like me as a father? Will they call me mother? It would be cool, but I've heard so many stories of pregnant males dying during the c-section, I don't want to die yet.

"Aiden what you think bout?" Ryan says appearing into the kitchen.

"So nosy." I mutter.

Sitting down he devours his food. I watch as he carefully places his plate in the sink and turns his head in my direction smiling.

"Are you going to wash it, its only one plate." I questioned him.

"of course not do you think you're here for style." I glared at him, what was all that bogus crap about liking me if he's just really a bossy bum stupid fart.

"Listen here Ryan you might have bought me yes but its a little sad when a big bad wolf can't even wash his own plates." I smiled sweetly at him.

Smiling back he answers," A wolf doesn't do plates so honestly there is no lost for me." with that he left, and I washed the plates because thats all I'm good for plate washing, cleaning, and cooking basically a wife.

I walk up into my room and take a bath and take a nap because why not.


"Huh,who,when." I shot out my bed. Rubbing my eyes I notice it's just me in this dark room. Where's Ryan? How long have I been sleeping? I walked out of the room and headed downstairs in the dark scary house might I add. I continue to tiptoe down the hall until I reach a corner one step was all it took before some monster jump out and so did my legs and it made contact with someone's privy.

"Oh shit mehn Ai! Why'd you do that?" Holding his balls he groaned out.

"Because you thought it would be a good idea to scare me with this bullshit, what is it anyways." Holding the thing closer to my face it was a scream mask they just put slashing into it. If you don't know the scream mask,

"I thought you would have ran instead, not kick like a mad man

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"I thought you would have ran instead, not kick like a mad man." He says now laying on the ground.

Crouching next to him I laugh and say, " well now you know not to scare me."

He sucked his teeth and got up," Follow me."He says leading away.

I got up and followed him which probably wasn't the brightest idea because he could try and kill me but curiosity is a strong force even though they may say that curiosity killed the cat if the results were good he came back to life. You know sometimes he isn't such a bad guy until you realize that he could be deceiving you like a psychopath.

"What are you thinking about, looks like your outer space." He smiled at me.

"where are we going?" I question while we walked up into the attic and out the window.

"where going to start gaze isn't it fun.?" Sounded like he was asking a question more than stating it.

"I guess." We both laid on the roof top and watch the stars naming the easy one to spot such as the big dipper up there looking like a pot. Then we started getting a bit competitive and started saying who could spot the most stars the fasted. He named about 6 of them while I named 9 I was obviously the winner and I will hold that with me for the rest of my life.

"Ai look." I turn my head and look in his direction," What?"

"Look." He says pointing. I followed his hand and watched what he was pointing at it was beautiful.

"Its a cactus."


Yow Yow Its me

Hope you enjoy

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