Chapter 6- Wow his Face ??‍♂️

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  "Aiden. Aiden! where the hell are you?" I heard Stay's voice screaming.

I mean where else would I be you gave me this room and I don't have any other reason to leave unless its to clean and I already cleaned his whole house, what more does he want from me.

The door slams opens and I sit up on my (well his) bed,and watch him smiling innocently.

"I know you know why I'm here and you should really think of the consequences." He says taking a step into the room. I look him in the face and notice that he didn't have the mask on and he looked absolutely amazing now that I could put all his features together, he had a nice round nose,pink lips, sharp jawline,and freckle's all over his face.

"I know my face looks amazing, no need to lie either I could see it in your eyes." He smiled and then frowned like he was just remembering something." you need to go make me breakfast."

"why can't you make it yourself?" I inquiry,stareing him up and down.

"Because I have a  maid now why should I do that task." This fool I cant believe he said something as foolish as that. "Aiden come on, please I never ate anything good in my own house I'm tried of  take out or whatever.

He isn't serious right.

"Yes I an extremely serious so come on, now." Oh I said that out loud.

I got out of my bed and headed towards the kitchen with him at my heel. I made some eggs and bacon , simple right. Placing them in front of him, he swallowed it up.

"Didnt you're parents ever make you food?" I asked him hoping it didnt being up some unwanted memories unfortunately though he frowned.

"Well I mean they we're never around and when they we're it wasnt fun." He said frowning down at his plate. Dont look like that, I groaned internally. I felt like giving him a hug ,but fought against it. The idea of a maid hugging their master is ridiculous.

"I'm gonna go to my room." He says quickly walking away from the kitchen. Honestly I feel bad now so I wash uo the dishes and hurrily rush to his room pushing the door open. He looked up at me with a frown etched on his face.

Why does he have to look so sad. He's suppose to be a strong red , but I guess everyone has there flaws.

"What do you want Aiden?" He didnt even bother to continue looking up at me but instead looked at his hands. I followed and saw deep gash wounds going from his forearm to his upperarm it was just terrible I wonder if he has more around his body.

  I walked up to him and placed my arm on his tracing my fingers on the wounds. They weren't new I could tell that much but they were so deep they left alot of scars overlapping each other.

"Please dont tell me you inflicted this upon yourself?!" I said grabbing his arm a little tighter. He looked at me smiling, "of course not why would I do that." And you know what the idiot started doing, he started laughing for crying out loud like it was some big damn joke. You do not joke about another person cutting themselves.

"You should have seen you face Aiden when you thought I was all sad and shit and when you thought I inflicted those bruises on myself. There quite old if you ask me." I watched this bum in disbelief. So if he didnt do the brusing on his arms who did.

"That is not important." He deadpans a smile no longer on his face well me to I was sick and tired of this bullshit. How in gods name would yoh make fun of that. 

He stated cracking up again, " I can't believe you fell for me acting like I was a depressed fool or something haha." Oh he thinks this is one big joke; well I got a joke for him to.

   The look of shock crossed his face,  angry, and confustion.

"Why'd you slap me?"He asked. I again stared at him like he was stupid.

"Do not make fun of depression or any illness as a matter of fact thats not cool.Those people with depression have gone through alot of shit and you're over here making fun of it. Ryan , you make me sick," and with that I upped and left the room.

Oh poop oh poop what is Ryan gonna do about his angry maid.

No more food for bad Ryan.

Hope you enjoyed

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