Chapter 30- Yoga

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"Well, well, well." A very familiar voice walks through the door.

"Seriously it's you." Mason says rolling his eyes.


"Oh you know this guy?" Chef ask.

"Well, he worked with my dad for some time then he just disappeared." Mason shrugged his shoulders.

"'re in charge?" I ask the tall man, green hair, strong face, not as much muscles as the lady at the house, but they are there somewhat.

"Of course not," he sickly smiles, "boss is coming in a little while."

"Aren't you a green why aren't you in charge?" Chef Questions.

"Because the red has the money." He points a finger to his pockets, "and I enjoy getting paid not the one giving the money."

"I bet you do you stingy mofo," I muttered.

"Oh, Ai, you bit my son didn't you?" He ask.

"You have a son?" I question.

"Duh," he says, " you bit his pewee after you suduced him."

"I ain't suduce no one he tried to bloody rape me." I say getting pissed.

Holding up his arms he say, "okay, okay, don't get you pink panty in a twist. I don't believe anything that bastard says anyways."

"Tch." I respond.

"Where's the boss." Chef says getting irritated.

"He's coming don't worry." He said walking out the room.

"So...he just came in here to talk shit?"Mason said.

"Oh, no he didn't." A very familiar voice said gosh it cant be him not him.

Walking infront of  us I really didn't want it to be him, but it was.

"Ryan's father." Mason scoffs, "seriously man."

"How. no, why.. does it have to be you ." I ask, "you're married to a yellow."

"She doesn't love me and I don't love her." He shruggs his shoulders.

"What the hell." I say, "so why the hell did you get married and why did she hate me."

"Also why did you kidnap me." Mason says annoyed.

"Well I bet you would like an  answer." He smiled, "So I'll give them to you."

"I honestly just want to get rid of you yellow." He said grabbing my jaw forcefully looking me dead in the eye obviously I didn't back down and I guess he didn't like that; he push my jaw back down with enough force making the chair move backwards resulting in me falling.

"Wth." Chef says.

"Anyways, we married for the benefits of the marriage you know the wealth, also so much attention came to my shop when I said I was marrying a yellow,  yeah some hated it, but the good out weighed the bad." He paused, grabbed my chair bringing me back up and made sure everyone was listening, "when I saw my son owned a yellow on the news, I got mad made a party and invited him so I could see you for my self, then I did and I saw you the angel his stupid uncle kept talking about and I was like shit he's going to give Ryan way more fame than I had so that fueled my rage."

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