Chapter 22-Is it like

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  Back to your boy Aiden's pov..

"What was his plan?" I sat there pondering. Staring at the wall;every inch, inspecting it.

Knock knock.



"What do you want?" I question getting up from where I was sitting and opening my door.

"I was wondering if you knew where Ryan was?" He smiled at me.

Why would I know. "No I don't."

"Oh,ok." He said, I was about to clase the door when he ask, "what would you like for dinner?"

"Burger." I answer back closing my door. What a strange man.

I've been going to work lately, but people have been acting strange. I should ask the boss what's up with them.

I think I'll read for 10 minutes. Picking up a book I start reading.

Minutes turn in hours...

"Aiden?" Omg can't I ever read in peace with out people interrupting. I get up from my bed grabbing on to the handle I fly the door open and ask, "What do you want?

"Is that any way to speak to your mother in law?" The odd woman ask, why if I knew it was her I wouldn't open the door. What is she doing here anyways I thought she didn't like me.

"I can see your curiosity, don't worry I'm not here to bite you or anything." Mrs. King laughes while barging into my room.

"You may come in." I sarcastically say, closing the door I stay standing while she looks around my room looking for only the lord knows.

Fingers gliding all over my belongings, eyes roaming like an eagle looking for prey, after she finish all that she sat on my pat the empty spot beside her and smiled at me.

I awkwardly head over there and sit next to her.

"What are yo so scared for I only want to talk to my son in law." Oh I could see the fakeness in here eyes why can't she just be happy for her stupid son. She opens her my mouth while I think here it comes.

"I don't know if you're a really good fit for my son or not, but I don't want to get in between my sons happiness so if he loves you I'll try and get to know my son in law to." She smiled up at me. Doesn't her face hurt from smiling so much?

Thinking about it why is Ryan lying to his parents about our relationship why can't he just say I'm his helping hand instead of his boyfriend and if I was his so called boyfriend and he claimed he actually like me why did he bring that blue haired boy home yesterday and have sex with him with me in the house does he not care that I was here? Does he really like me? He's an ass.

"About me and your sons relationship ship." I say while she looks up at me eagerly, "we haven't been on good terms lately, what does that you know mean."

Taking her chin inbetween her pointing finger and thumb she say, " It's  probably from a lack of communication, but who knows he probably doesn't like you anymore." She says.

Frowning I look down at my hands while she ask a question, "Do you like him or have some sort of feelings for him and if you do, do you express it or fight with yourself?"

Looking up at her with my eyes probably as wide as a saucer, I think do I like that bastard? How do you even know if you like someone? Since I enjoyed the kiss does that make me like him? Since I'm so conscious of him , Is it like if I notice everything he does every movement he makes?

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