Chapter 14-Better than nothing

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"Six week? Six weeks. Six bloody weeks!" I yell with all my might since,I think, no one was home.

"Stop your noise lil yellow." The top cook, Jerry, tells me.

"Sorry." I say smiling up at him. "Jerry I'm going out for a bit."

"Ok be safe and dont get snatch." He says walking into the kitchen.

Walking out of the house I make my resolve and start heading towards the badder part of this already terrible city. This is the bad side where every one no matter what hair color should be able to get a job. I look around some more until spot a little diner on the further side of the place.It didnt look to bad from the outside it was um quite interesting, like every other store it had the open sign but it also had pand on the outside a bunch of plates; in general it just had alot of things on the outside.

It didnt look to bad from the outside it was um quite interesting, like every other store it had the open sign but it also had pand on the outside a bunch of plates; in general it just had alot of things on the outside

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Opening the door I say, "Hello good morning My name is Aiden Scott and I was just wandering if you guys need an extra hand?"


Looking around inside was quite simply unlike outside it did have pictures of marilyn monroe, and other women and men, the chairs where bright red with nude running down the middle of top part with a bright red table in the middle of it, a flat screen tv to keep everyone busy. It was nice and homey.

Walking deeper no one gave me the time of day

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Walking deeper no one gave me the time of day. No one tells me I shouldnt be here or tells me some stupid shit. I spot yellows sitting down and enjoying their time drinking up a storm and eating with all the other colors, it seems nice, chill and happy no one fighting with each othet of the ridiculous law. I could live here.

"Excuse me sir do you want something?" A pretty green haired girl asked me.

"Um..yes I actually wondering if you guys have space for another worker?" I ask, she beams up at my question.

"Yes yes of course we always need an extra hand these lazy bums just come in here and do nothing, but its nice." She says smiling at me. She continues to pull me towards the back of the room. "I'm just going to ask you a few questions. okay."

"Okay." I say nervousness kicking in.

"Question one, Do you have a experience as a waiter?" I look down at my feet trying to remember.

"Is Waiting my family and certain people food consider good?" I question back.

"Okay, Question two, do you think you can keep up?" She stil had that smile on her face.

"Yes I can." I smiled back at her.

"Oh goody," She claps her hands together, "Give me your number I will text you tonight if You're hired and at the same time tell you when to come in." She said standing up and leading me outside.

Smileing at her I bid, "farewell."

Reaching towards that monsters house and pause thinking if  I get the job should I tell him.

Walking in I say hi to Jerry while truing to sneak a cookie off the plate. success!

"Aiden where have you been?" Ryan questions me while sitting on the stool next to me.

"Why must I tell you." I retort.

"Because I am your boss." He then starts laughing and say, " dont tell me your still out there looking for a job."

"Of course I am I need to prove you wrong!" I scream getting a little heated. Why does he always have to down me? He treats eveybody else so nicely I watched hin the other day talking to a yellow woman so nicely not a mean bone in his body but as soon as he opens his mouth to talk to me its something mean.

"Calm down Ai." He says it looked like he was going to continue saying something but my phone stated ringing.

I scrambled for my phone. Answering it, " Hello."

"Hi,Is this Aiden Scott?" I presume the girl from the diner ask me.

"Yes it is." I say glee radiating off of me in waves a hole tsunami is coming.

" I say glee radiating off of me in waves a hole tsunami is coming

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"You got the part. I mean you could have seen that coming because we really need extra hands and you seem nice and wont take shit from anyone so can you start tomorrow?" She ask.

"Yes I can at what time?" Omg I could feel the joy.Somebody miles away can probably feel it to.

"Does 9 sound alright?" I agree and she hangs up.

I was so happy until somebody made their way over here.

"Why are you so happy?"He says standing way to close for comfort.

"Do you know personal space." I say making as much space I can between us before saying, "I got a job."

"Oh. Really?" He says taking a seat.

"Yes really." I say smugly.

"Where?" He questions.

"A diner on the interesting side of the city it not that far from here." I answer his question taking a seat as far away as possible.

"That explains alot." He says then he starts laughing, "I honestly can't believe they gave you a job."

"Shut up." I say.

"Well it isnt that big of a diner anyways so its understandable." He says smiling up at me I dont know if he's proud or trying to bring me down. That bi*ch.

"Well Its better than nothing." I shrug my shoulders.

Hope you guys enjoyed 😁
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