Chapter 24- Liar?

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"Where the hell is Ryan?" Mason questions us.

"Can't you just accept our company?" Chef said annoyed.

Huffing he replied, "obviously, I can stand Ai a little but yours not an ounce."

"Well to bad sweet pea your gonna have to deal with me until Ryan comes  back."Chef smiles and Mason grimaced.

Looking back and forth at them while they argued I made a assumption and said, "Did you guys know each other?"

"Nope never meet him before in my life." Mason said quickly looking at the ground.

Chef didn't even bother looking at me only stared at Mason with something along the line of Killing this bastard or cuddling him.

"Cheft, can you bring us some food please." He still didn't look at me didn't even move, "Mason here might be hungry." He finally looked at me huffed and headed into the kitchen.

Long silence......

"Thank you." Mason said looking at me, "for helping me and not being mad at even if I slept with your boyfriend and patching me up."

"No problem, but you shouldn't be thanking me for the patching you up part." I said smiling at him while he looked at the ground.

Curiously I asked, "What's up between you and Chef?"

Mason head shot up, "What's his real name."

"He told me Jerry."

"He lied to you, he's a liar, his name isn't Jerry."Mason said angry flowing off him.

"What do you mean?" I said even more intrigued. "How do you know."

"I know because... Mason didn't even get to finish because Chef came into the room glaring daggers at him.

"What nonsense are you putting in his head." Cheft said scaring me his voice laced with poison. "Don't go putting shit in Ai's head."

"I ain't put no lie in his head." Mason said standing up, "unlike somebody."

Wait what's going on.

"Mason you son of a bitch." Chef said, "Ai just got here I am the cook of this house hold that all he needs to know."

"Oh so even Ryan doesn't know who you really are." Cheft tense, while Mason smiled in victory.

How did he even pick that up?

"You know what I'm not even going to argue with nonsense like you now,sit, shut up, and eat." With that Chef left.

"I don't know what happened between you guys right but I think cheft is a good person." I said.

"You don't understand." Mason said irritated.

"Sure." I said rolling my eyes. Whats wrong with people and this you don't understand don't judge it if you anit  taste it.

We sat there silence with the television playing in the background all in our own thoughts and when it got past midnight with Ryan nowhere to be found I showed Mason to another guess room and headed to mines.

Next morning...

Moving was a hassle it was hard what was obstructed my movement. Ugh, opening my eyes I look down to see an arm, so you know my only option was to scream loud.

"What the hell Ai?" Ryan said in a disgruntled way.

Breathe in. Breathe out. "Ryan why are you in my room and where were you?"

"Can't we discuss this later?" He questions closing his eyes faliing to sleep again.

Wait. I screamed why didn't anyone come running to my aid what a bunch of fake people let me go see whats going on hopefully they didn't kill each other while I was asleep.

Walking down towards the kitchen I hear voices, more like Chef and Mason voice so I evesdrop, I know its wrong, but I'm curious.

"What are you doing here?" Mason questions chef.

"I am trying to live a better life." Chef responds quickly as if he doesn't want to have this conversation.

Mason gives him a  skeptic look and said, "what about Maria, Did you forget about her already."

"What does she have to do with me?"Chef said getting agitated.

"She had something to do with Damon or did you forget your real name?" Mason said stabbing his food.

"Never mention that name again." Chef said in rage he looked like he wanted to kill, "my name is Jerry, I am the  cook for Ryans household, if you mention that name around Ryan or Aiden I will skin you alive now eat your food."

I regret evesdropping now, who knew the Chef could be so scary; who's Maria? How comes Ryan doesn't know; who is Mason, and what does he know about chef. Now all these questions in my head like I don't have my own questions to answer.

"Ai why are you on the floor." Ryan says looking down at me. Oh shit I forgot I was sitting here.

"Well, umm." Red looks down at me expecting an answer but I don't have any.

"Get up lets go eat." Walking into the kitchen I feel Ryan stiffen next to me I was about to ask him whats wrong when I remembered.

In the kitchen Ryan stared at Mason in shock but not from what I thougtht he would be shocked at him for but because he was pinned up agaisnt the wall his legs wrapped around the Chef's waist and the chef's down tounge deep in his throat. Weren't they just arguing how did it reach to this stage I remember clearly he said he would skin him alive this isn't skining.

"What the hell is going on?" Ryans booming voice broke the two apart.

"Oh boss." Chef said looking not at all the bit worried.

Mason on the other hand look so happy to see Ryan, "Ryan I came to visit you."

"You call tounging down my cook a visit." He asked.

"Well I mean." He started but never finished.

"Why are you really here?" Ryan said sitting down. I followd sitting next to him.

"Well Ai helped me out." He said slowly. Ryan looked at me raising an eyebrow.

"He was hurt came knocking on your door found him so I helped him simply." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"And when did you intend on telling me?" He queried.

"Well if you showed up earlier last night I would have told you." I continued on eating my breakfast.

"You could have called me." He said. Couldn't he just accept it and move on.

"But I didn't now he's here."

"You know I slept with him right." Like I didn't know already Ryan 🙄.

"Should I be mad?" I question. Ryan stared at me before sighing and eating.

Did he just want me to abondon the  ass infront of his door just because he slept with him we weren't even together who am I to be mad at him for something that happened in the past do I look like I want more stress on my platter?

"Look." Everyone's attention turns towards Mason as he speaks, " I appreciate Aiden for his niceness even when people specifically Reds, Greens fuck him over so much and Chef I hate you very much,Ryan you're a good person I would presume.

Chef scoffs and says, "Wasn't saying that when your tounge was down my windpipe."

I laughed while Ryan chuckled and said, "What exactly happened to you?"

A look of fear flashed onto Masons face before it was gone and he chuckled saying, " I was at the wrong place at the wrong time." Scratching his head he couldn't meet our stares.

Nobody acknowledged the fact that he was obviously lying and it could infact indanger all us all.

Hope you enjoy❤️🤸🏽‍♂️

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