Chapter 3- Bad Ideas 💡

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"Yeah, he's in there sleeping he told me to wake him up." I shifted in the bed and opened my eyes. Stay was there talking to the nurse they seem deep in there conversation.

"Go wake him I need to check on those wounds." Nurse said as she sat down on her chair.

"Hey wake up you twat." He pushed my body making me roll off the bed with a thump.

"What the hell was that for!" I screamed at him, standing up.

He looked down at staring at me with those mysterious eyes. I think he should probably go see a doctor about that. He opened his mouth then closed it like a gaping fish.

I stood up brush past him going to the nurse.

"Well you look better than this morning." She smiled up at me.

"Yeah I feel great to. Umm.. nurse I have a favor to ask you." She frowned but didnt say anything so I took that as a sign to continue. "well I kind if need a place to sleep."I looked down at the ground like it was the most interesting thing. Waiting to be denied.

"Well I don't know about my house my husband doesn't take to yellows being around the house. I like them but he doesn't don't know why so I can't help with my house but I could make you sleep in this office." She offers.

"How about he stay at my place." we both look up at him like he'd grown three heads. He noticed because he quickly averted his eyes and explained himself, "I live by myself now my folks took off after telling me they hate it here they left me the house though but its quite big and I don't want to...." He stopped himself from finishing that sentence, still glancing around the place.

"well its settle." she seemed a little to happy about this I don't know him and I surely don't trust him but I need a place to stay. ugh.

He looked at me with a dangerous gleam in his eyes. He is up to something and I definitely knew it.

I walked out of the nurses rooms into the hall I looked up and then down I saw no one scary so I took my time walking towards the bathroom. I open the door of the bathroom and found Greeny and a couple other boys gathered around something. this time I am not getting involved my life is important all I have to do right now is turn around and I did just that only to bump into someone though.

"looky looky what we got here." Gigantic freak said he was really a giant probably round 7 foot he had a scar above his right eye and he look like he had been taking steroid's from since he was 2.

"Oh isn't it little Aiden, my angel, I would love to break into you." Green said walking up to me. I moved away before he could touch me, now don't get me wrong He wasn't bad looking he looked good he wasn't steroid up like giant over there but he did have muscles and he had a sleeve tattoo on his write hand making it noticeable to the whole world.

"He's a yellow he'll leave you do it." My eyes narrowed into slits.Who the fuck told them yellows enjoyed being raped!?

I walk right up to him and drove my knee full force into his jewels. Bad idea!!Bad idea!!He backed up in a lot of pain falling to the ground. Green came up to me and bish slapped me across the face. The impact was terrible his rough hands driving across my face leaving a stinging red mark so I could taste the tangy flavor of my blood. I looked up at him and glared.

"What are you going to do yellow tell nursery?" He said smiling sadistically at me. " we see how you and red are always in her room. What are you guys getting it on with the nurse right there or does she join in for a threesome?" I felt my stomach clench will he just stood there smiling.

"you are one sick bastard do you know that?" I questioned his sanity.

"well I mean, what's better being being sane or insane?" He question like that was the toughest question ever.

"well....before I got to answer he punched me into the gut really hard."oh come on." I say between gasp." what did I do to deserve that?"

"Its just you being around that red mask guy are you guys friends or sex buddies." he question again." you might want to be careful before a little yellow starts running around and some one snatches him or her away."

"you would never dare." I screamed at him. wait I thought that was a wrong choice of words." thats not what I mean me and reddy have nothing he doesn't want to have see with me and same goes for me."

"hmm well if he doesn't want it I might as well take it by force and no one will care." he said grabbing my chin roughly." why you may ask because you yellows are nothing but filthy and stupid whores no matter how much someone beats on you. you still forgive them!" he screamed in my face.

"well you seem to be going on with a lot in your household me to but you don't see me going up and beating on other colors now do you." I said shrugging my shoulders.

His eyes turned deadly, narrowing at me. He starts punching me real hard in the face and stomach when he was done he opened his mouth and said,"I don't care about you, no one does get thats through your thick skull you are nothing but a worthless piece of shit only to be used when master wants you!" He yelled spitting in my face.

Oh he is going through some serious shit at home I want to snap my fingers so badly. I spit out blood and looked at him dead in the eyes I think that only angered him more because he kicked me right in the knee making me fall to the ground. He unbuckled his pants.

"kneel!"He ordered. I watched him like he was crazy he looked at his servants,no offense.They walked over to me making me get on my knees in front of Green. He grabbed me by my hair and dropped his pants taking my head and ramming it on his hard on.

"suck." He demanded. When I didn't move he took grip of my hair and started moving I was choking trying to gasp for air when an idea came in my head.

I bit down hard on his shaft.

Hope you enjoy

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