Chapter 32- Hot spit😨

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"Sir, put the gun down now!" A cop shouts.

"Really if I wanted to put it down I would." Green says making Ryan stand.

"You bumbling idiots you're just going to watch him make Ryan stand infront of him, why didn't you imbeciles shoot the gun out his hand beforehand." I say, well more like criticise.

"We need you to get behind us yellow." One of the officers says.

Looking over the cop, I scoff, looking over the rest. I notice the guy who chased and kidnapped me and Mason when we were marching. These people need to know where the people they hire loyalty lies.

"My ass is staying right here." I says, moving over to collect Chef cold body.

"Argh I don't have time for this." A cops yells running towards Green and Ryan,  Green pulls out the gun and shoots the gun twice into cops chest. The cop continues running jumping, Ryan taking this chance moves out the way the cop falls on top of Green.

Green struggles kicks the cop off him stands up and aims the gun to the cops head, "anyone of you other bastards move and I'll blow his brains out his mother fucking head!"

"Go ahead do it to stupid scumbag!" The cop shouts.

Another cop aims for Green knee and shoots making him scream in pain and fall to the ground.

The cop that was on the ground gets up and breaks Green arm making him release the gun.

"Argh you bloody bastards." Green screams, "this isn't over this isn't over!"

They clamp Greens mouth shut.

"Well now you guys are safe." The cop says standing proudly.

"Yeah, yeah, can you get this man to a hospital?I question.

"Hurry up lets get a move on it!" They say.

We follow them until we reach the outside. We spot Mason sitting down on a truck.

"Mason." We wave at him to come over, Red was placing Chef body on a stretcher and they were hauling it into a hospital truck.

"Where's Chef?" He says running over to us hiugging us.

"In there." I point to the hospital car.

"You're lying right." Mason holds my arms, "he's not in there or he is in there but nothing's wrong with him please tell me nothing's wrong with him." Tears start to prickle in his eyes.

Guessing he took my silence as somthing bad he started bawling falling to the ground my bullet wound hurts already from standing for so long I fall to the ground with him holding onto him just leaving him cry his tears.

"Hurry up guys." A police officer screams, "the vechile need to go unless you want your barely breathing friend to die."

Why would he say something like that.

"I can't believe this I want to see him for myself." He says standing up quickly.

"Help me up." I say struggling.

We head over to the EMS. Ryan runs over to us and takes me from Mason hands making Mason jump into the vechile. We follow him and the EMS starts driving to the hospital.

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