Chapter 5- A pigs den

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"I needed a maid." He said. I whipped around and glared at him.

"I am no woman." He started stroking the nonexistent beard in deep thought. What the hell did you have to think about I have a dick Not a vagina and I will not be doing the job of a woman. No offense to women you guys are great.

"Hmm....but a yellow should have a good sense of cleaning you guys have womanly charm." He said smirking at me.

" You. bastard! Now I am truly regretting saving you that day." I yelled at him. Fetching prick he was and stupid I might have been thinking that probably he would want to be my friend. But no all he wants is a maid, because he is a filthy piece of shit.

"I didn't need your help though. I could have dealt with it on my own but you came in and intervened so I let you simply as that." He said looking down at me like I was nothing compared to him. I could feel his overwhelming dominance to take charge coming of him in ripples, but that was not going to stop me.

"shouldn't you feel a little grateful though? Your making yourself seem like an ungrateful bastard." Is no one nice to yellows god damn I mean like come on mehn.

"No and honestly I don't see why I'm having this conversation with you. You need to start cleaning before I beat you to do it but then again you might enjoy it." He said smacking me behind my head and disappearing someplace.

This is going to be so much work. I don't remember having to this in my house.Beats getting beat and hated on but what makes stay any better? Ugh! what is this shit? I picked up with my gloved hand what looked like a sock that had cheese on it, a whole lot mold and even a few bite marks here and there how nasty. I continued cleaning this Negros house and upon cleaning I found some dead rats, a dead cat and even a mannequin, what the hell was he doing with that? but I don't want to ask him. I'm not really in the mood to die yet. After 8 hours of cleaning that filthy house it was now sparkly clean.

"wow I should give you a maid outfit and call you Betty." Stay exclaimed. He looked so happy how sad Im about to say something to ruin that.

"If you put a maids outfit on me I will kill you and gladly go to jail." I said glaring at him.

His smile turned into a frown then a smile again. What the hell was he thinking it couldn't be anything good if he looked like a kid who's mother agreed that she'd by him candy.

"I honestly think you would look good In a maids outfit." He said licking his lips looking at me from head to toe.

"I think the hell not, Prevert!" I backed up so I could have so much space from him as possible.

"what are you backing up for I'm not going to do you anything. I'm not into guys. I'm just saying you would look nice in one or even and apron with no clothes underneath." He winked at me leaving me stand there. I wonder where I'm going to to sleep this is a big house after all.

Fetching pervert who did he think he was. I am truly starting to hate reds, can't these guys do anything  on there own without having to boss people around. I walked into the kitchen honestly inside here was filthy to geez this whole house was a pigs den. I got it work cleaning the kitchen then I moved on cleaning the halls. I walk into his room and in here was worst than out there. lord have mercy on this guy. I cleaned and cleaned until the whole was was smelling like daisy's and you could see your reflection in the tiles.

"you know I'm happy I brought you I never felt this clean in my whole life." The pig said walking out with only a towel around his waist and his mask. Don't tell me he took a bath with that on. His hair was extremely wet messing up the floor I just cleaned.

"Go dry your hair you idiot your messing up the floor." I screamed at him pointing from his hair to the ground.

"come dry it for me." He grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to his room. I walked in his room. I saw clothes scatter all over the place. didn't I just clean in here I thought. I took the blow dryer while he sat down I plugged it in and started on the mission of drying his hair. I pass my fingers through his hair, and holy shit was it soft. I wonder if he would leave me wash his hair one day. No,no you will not fall for his hair charms.

He stood up abruptly making his towel fall to the ground gathering by his legal he suddenly turned around. I gasped and closed my eyes. "Oh come on we have the exact same shit down there, don't be shy." He spitefully did that, but I'm not going to lie the little glance I got he was fully equipped down there and it wasn't small neither he could make a grown man sad. When I opened my eyes again he had his a boxer on and he was sprawled out on the bed.

"Come here Aiden." He patted the space next to him. I was not getting in a bed with him not even if I was dead. I turned around stated heading for the door when a cup flew right next to my face to close for comfort hitting the door and shattering into many pieces. I turned around and pinned him with a glare.

"I said come and sit here Aiden." He said slowly like he was talking to a child," or do you want me to get up and force you to sit?" I was really tempted to tell him to stick it but if he had the balls to throw a cup at me I don't want to know what he might do if I angered him more, so I went and sit in the furthermost corner of the bed.

"Now was that so hard?" He questioned I would say he was smiling at me but well the mask was in the way like usual. I would really like to take that mask off and see what his face looks like when I was watching everything put together. I looked at the half naked man laying there just watching me if I had a body like him I would go prancing around half naked to but I really wished he would at least put on pants.

"So Ai how do you love my house so far?" He was looking at me with those estranged eyes.

"I hate you and this filthy house." Was my Very loving  reply.

"so your not even a little bit thankful that I bought you from your parents not that prevented old man." He said now being one of his legs I watched at his private moved with the motion. I looked up to see him watching me watching his private, I instantly turned my head in the opposite direction.

"What do you want me to say thank you?" I asked not liking the way his eyes watched my Every movement.

"Well I mean I would love that even better if you called me master while your at it to." He said a bit happily.

"Not happening coco." I stood up and walked out of his room slamming the door shut behind me."Stupid bastard."

Hope you enjoyed this chappie 😘

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