Chapter 11-Clean up ??‍♂️

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Guess whos back back back back. Back again.
Hey guys. Wassup how have you guys been? Amazing great.


"Ugh, what the hell?" Waking up I was a little confused I was in the tub,while Red was sitting on the toilet. "What happened last night?"

I stand up and try to get out of the tub, but I forgot to put up my other leg and feel bang onto the tile floor and honestly that shit hurt.

"Huh whats going on?" Red says finally waking up.

"Dont talk my head is hurting me." I reply back.

"Dont tell me what to do but do tell me what the hell is going on." He screamed, making both of us holding our heads in pain.

"What the hell men! How on earth am I suppose to know huh huh." I said getting up rubbing my jaw and my head. I walk out of the bathroom and realize this is Reds walk inbathroom.

"Get out." He says when he walks out tof the bathroom.

"Why must I get out why cant you." I answer back.

"First." He showd using his finger, "this is my room."

I roll my eyes and walk out of the room to be greeted with a huge mess of a hallway. I weaved and worked my way through the broken bottles, dead plants ,food on the floor, and even some clothes. I walk into my room pop two pills ,brush my teeth ,and take a bath now that i feel decent I have to go clean all this shit dont I.

"RYAN!" A voice screams. I wonder who it is.

I walk down the stairs getting prepared to clean this mess up but first I have to acknowledge the woman standing infront of the door watching mess.

"Hello miss how may I help you." Dude you damn well know why shes here, but she cant be dating Ryan now can she she is way to bueatiful, with those piercing brown eyes and flawless skin besided the whole two to three acne spots and short purple hair.

"Do I have the wrong house?" She says watching around in disgust. "Does a Ryan King live here?"

"Oh yes he surely does, but I would suggest you come back tomorrow for that is whem he will be returning home andI have to clean around here asap." I said. I dont know why I lied but I just did. Don't judge me.

"Ok I will return tomorrow." She turns around and leaves.







Twenty four hours thats all it took for me to finish cleaning. A whole f*cking day. I wonder if Ryans alive he didnt make a peep for the whole day.

"Reds sir" I tap away on his door. "Are you alive in there?"

"Yes Aiden I am alive now leave me alone." Well fine you piece of shit.

"Ok I just came to say a girl will be coming by tomorrow to talk to you I didnt get her name because quite frankly I didnt care." I turned around and walked in the direction of my room.

I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling I should paint it might be fun and it might piss Ryan off. Smiling like a maniac I went into a dreamless sleep.

So whats up with you guys?

Summertime finally a breakfrom teachers and studing that you are suppose to be doing but didnt.

Hope you enjoyed this short chappie.

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