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I look up at the tall building-Santíre's Corp. It's my dream to work here and Finally-It was granted. I hope that I'll survived working at this high class company.

I silently walked in- no one took a glance on me as I walked inside, trying to find the receptionist to ask which floor is Mr.Santíre office which I-dumbly forgotten.

"And I'm like-Seriously bitch? That girl is wastedd!"

I heard the girl infront of me exclaimed as they left me behind-walking toward the elevator as I only took a last glance on them before I tried my best to find the reception table,

As I reach the receptionist-I walked forward as I see a black haired lady typing on her computer;

"Uhm, Excuse me.."

I mumble. Looking around-everyone and everything here is sophisticated, I almost got left out.

"Yes? How can I help you?"

She ask-glancing at me once before she continue typing on her computer-I look around being anxious because this is literally my new job.

"Uhm..I'm Dennis Frandele and..I'm new here, May..May I ask which floor is Mr.Santíre office is? I'm his new secretary.."

I smiled so I can create a few friends here. She look up at me for a while before she typed something on her computer and later on-She glance at me once again with a wide smile.

"Oh? You're his new secretary? I'm Adelle by the way, Nice to meet you! Mr.Santíre office is on the 20th floor-But before you go, I have something to tell you.."

Adelle, Stood up from the back of the counter-revealing her curvy body but she was beautiful nonetheless, She's like a goddess with her beautiful dark skin.

She leaned on me as her face was close to my ears as she whispered;

"There's a rumor up there at Floor 20th, They said that Mr.Santìre is a manwhore and would have affairs with all of his secretaries."

She giggled as if that was a funny thing to say-I'm getting a little nervous from all of their sayings, Isn't that sexual harassment?

She waved me off as I run toward the stairs-I know it would take me a hours before I reach there, But can you blame me when I don't even know how to use the elevator-I spend most of my life in the province and I was a little lost when it comes to cities like this.

After two hours of walking upstairs-Which I really did. I sat up in the last steps as I grab my bottle of water to take a drink.

Once I finished drinking my bottle of cold water-I turn around to see a man running toward to me with frantic look in his face,

"You're Dennis Frandele, Am I right? Oh goddess! Boss is already mad because you're two hours late! Come with me!"

We frantically walked toward the silver door which is different from the others-I can't see the inside of the office because of the black curtains covering in it.

"Like I've told you. Take care, Okay? I'll come back later, bye!"

The guy told me as he instantly run away-leaving me sweating in fear, Oh no, Here comes nothing,

I tried to knock a few times, But no one decide to answer. I grab the knob and open the unlocked door but-my eyes widen at what I've saw.

There's my Boss-I can only see his back, As he thrusts his hips toward the lady who was lying down the table.

I gulped-I decided to close the door shut. I was shock to see that kind of scene, early in the morning.

"Who the fuck is that?"

A Baritone voice rang throughout the whole floor-Even though, He was inside the office. I can heard a few shuffling inside,

Once the door opened-I was startled by the man who stood infront of me, half naked with a bored look on his face.



•I know that some of you is-confused. Like-who wouldn't know how to use elevator? I mean, I am because I rarely go to city, I spend most of my time and life being in a rural place.

I know what it is though but my dumb ass don't know how that works. Shame on me. I don't care.

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