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I ran,Ran faster than anyone else..even sonic itself.

It's heartbreaking to see him go— I-I thought he would wait for me..

And that's the biggest lie I've ever heard;

But why am I still chasing him? I don't know. I love him so why not?

Is that people say? You'll chase someone because you love them?

But in my highschool days,My crazy friend told me that if you love someone,Chase them and tie them up and so,Keep them forever?


As I ran pass through a sea of people— I quickly ran past a rushing car and all;

As I reach the airport— I ran inside as I looked for Raphael— Where is he?

I walk over the security to asked them if Raphael already left— They looked at me first before giving me a answer that I would never expected;

‘‘I'm sorry but Mr.Raphael already left 2 hours ago..’’

I heartbrokenly walked toward the entrance at I sat at the floor— Looking sadly,I started to cry..


Tears continuely flow out of my eyes as I looked at nowhere— It's breaking my heart but what can I do? I shouldn't crying here at all..

As If that I have a choice,He maybe given up and decided to left for sure.

It's all my fault afterall— I shouldn't just sat around looking so dumb at all— act so stupidly and just continue to decide some stupid stuff;

I shouldn't push him away,I shouldn't act so chidishly,I shouldn't decide things so fast,I shouldn't...I shouldn't..

Tears continue to pour out of my eyes,Some passerby looked at me with pity but they continue to passed by and walked inside;

I just realized how much I love him...

But obsession wasn't love afterall,

...or being touchy nor possessive wasn't the way to show somehow how you love them— you don't harass them afterall..

But did I care? Never in my life that I complain for the things he did.

When you love someone that you don't care for the things that they do...or the flaws that they have within..

I looked at the digital clock and it's already evening—But who cares? I have decided one thing on my life...

That I would stay here,No matter what the cost,I will wait for you Raphael. Even if you didn't wait for me too soon..










The End.

#36: I'll wait.

Hey! It's a update! Thank you so much my folks for being with me for the whole year. Years will passed but our bond will never end. Thank you so much.

Update since I'm spending my christmas with my grandma (my mother side) in Manila,I'll be there for one week! I hope some of us will meet! Hehe.

Thank you for the most unforgettable 2018.

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