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I let out a sigh as I look at the middle of nowhere,It's very depressing for me here inside the bus with my dog.

As I reached Atris—Where Jamie is staying,I thanked the bus driver as I got down.

Jamie and I have talk about me leaving my house for a while. Maybe a month or year. I will never know.

As I reach the sidewalk,Jamie was standing there with a man beside him— I waved at them as Jamie nodded his head,I walk toward to them with a smile on my face;

Jamie have already resigned a month ago in his job,I don't understand but he really did.

‘‘Hello Dennis! This is Kairo,Kairo,This is Dennis!’’

Jamie announced as I looked at the tall man who's looking back at me with a sweet smile on his face; I smiled.


I spoke with a smile as he nodded his head before answering back.

‘‘Hello to you too.’’

Kairo smile as he grabbed my small hand and shook it throughly;

‘‘Come on guys,Kairo,Please carry Dennis bag— Dennis has a long day!’’

Jaimie smiled as I nodded my head and continue to follow them.

#26: Moving On


Very short. I'm sorry if it's short. I got a long day ahead!

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