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-5 months later-

‘‘Yes,Do it now.’’

I ordered without any emotion lingering on my voice. You want fight Chesire,Well,I give you one.

I smirked as I looked around my office— It's been 5 months..And I haven't changed my Assistant ever since,fuck them. I can do it on my own. I don't one except for him..

Many things have changed,I often go to the bar to take a drink then go to sleep then after that,I go to this fucking work.

It's tiring yet I needed to move my shit. Even this is so fucking fucked up. I have to.

I want to go to Dennis,I want to explained,I want to know him how much I loved him and all of the accidents were a mistake.

And that Bitch. She think she get away from this? Never. After Fixing my shit and all— I asked my men to caught her and bring her to the room.

As she was set on a high quality of drugs,I started chopping off her body parts as she scream painfully;

My phone ring as I looked at it for a while before grabbing it,I see that it's chesire who called. Nah.

‘‘Fucking bastard. I will fucking kill you.’’

His first greet after 4 months of no connection— This Sicko.

‘‘How are you Chesire fucking Vendetta? Did you like what I did?’’

I smile as I heared a glass crashing on the background. Be mad Chesire,You don't like me pulling a joke.

‘‘Bastardo! Tell me where Alexis is,Or I swear that I forget this shitty friendship we got you fucking bitch.’’

Chesire snarled as I laughed,This fucking bitch still decide to threaten me even though he knows that I'm holding his little schoolboy,

‘‘Santíre Villa,Guess which one.’’

I chuckle,I won't do anything to his Alexis,Not yet.

I ended the call as I walk to my room to greet this little boy that makes the Chesire fucking Vendetta become possessive;

‘‘You're awake now.’’

I spoke as he look at me with his blue eyes,I lifted my lips into a smirk as he asked confusiouly;

‘‘W-Who are you?’’

He asked as I roll my eyes before answering;

‘‘I'm Raphael Santíre,And I know that you're Chesire greatest..Possession..’’

I replied as he lower his head down,away from my looks,I turn around to leave him there for a while;

‘‘Brother,Where the heck will you going?’’

Summer asked as she looked at me with confusion,I shook my head as I spoke;

‘‘Gonna Hide somewhere away from here.’’

I replied as she only gave a shurg and so—I left.

I'm going to Atris,Dennis. Wait for me.

#27: 5 months.

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