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I keep thrusting inside this lady until I heard the door creaked open-I also heard the small gasps until the door was completely shut. I can't help but be annoyed.

"Who the fuck is that?"

I yelled-I pull my cock out of this bitch's hole who whined, I decided to pull up my boxer and pants as I glared at the woman-She only let out a huff as she decided to fix her dress.

"Come play with me Raphy~ Forget that Bitch."

She tried to insist but I only give her a sneer as I walked toward the door to see who the hell tried to bother me and my leisure time;

As I open the door-My secretary who was already late was there. Green gentle eyes look at me with fear and obedience while His hands were clutching to his messenger bag,


I stare at him, bored. He was cute but I don't like boys. I fucked boys once but-I hate it when they're too noisy.

"You must be Dennis, Am I right?"

I ask-monotone, He nodded his head as I groaned. Tsk. My secretary this year would probably boring as fuck, I thought.

I stare at him. Studying his features and physiques, He was too small. Brown wavy hair, Green eyes and those small button nose and plump red lips-

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!

Why would I think of him like that? Disgusting.

I shook my head-looking away from this cute boy, I grabbed my shirt at the couch and decided to wear it as I looked at the stack of files on the other table.

"You're two hours late, May I know Why?"

With a dangerous glint, I asked. He look scared at the moment but I didn't budge.

"Uhm..I used the stairs to get here.."

He mumble under his breathe, I looked at him with raised eyebrow. Seriously?

"Oh! Hahaha! What a funny lad you are~ I need to go now Raphy, Call me when you need me"

The Lady excused herself as she bump into my secretary who stumble and whispered a sorry to that bitch who left already. He was too weak.

"Uhm, What now?"

He muttered, I grabbed the large stack of files over my desk as I handed it all to him.

"Since your excuse of being late is hilarious-I won't fire you yet. But that is the last time you'll be late or else-

Now, Arranged those files from A-Z, And fixed all the errors in every single files. I'll be back soon."

I said in a stern manner as I left-not before handing him everything but wait a second,

"What the fuck did I just said?"


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