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-A Month Later-

It's been a month when I started to start my work at a local cafe,It doesn't gave me high salary but it surely does gave me enough to cover up my expenses,

Things were going good,My dog ''Felis'' is being babysitted by my kind old neighborhood and it's all excactly the same;

Letting go feels so hard,I cried for weeks for being stupid,For being good for nothing and letting him go is now my biggest regret;

‘‘O-One Cheesecake,please!’’

A boy with curly wavy hair waved over,He's wearing a jumper and long sleeves,His face is matted with dirt as he smile waving over— He doesn't look like he came from here;

I walk over to him to asked what would he like,He looked up at me as he smile as he pointing over the cheesecakes;

‘‘Is that all you want? Do you want any drink?’’

I smile as he think for a while before answering once again;

‘‘I-I would like a cup of green tea!  If it's available..’’

He continue as I nodded my head before writing everything he wanted,

My job is being a waiter,It wasn't hard but sometimes,It does especially when some costumer here were very..impatient..

After giving the order to the cook,I wait for several 4 minutes and it was done,I quickly got it and walk toward the boy who's sitting and smilling patiently;

‘‘Here you go,You're new here aren't you?’’

I smile as he nodded his head while starting to munch down the freshly cooked cheesecake;

‘‘Y-Yeah,I came from Marywell! I lived in the country side of it so it's quite wierd for me being here at Winchester..’’

He spoked as I nodded my head— I wanted to asked further question what is his business around here..

‘‘Oh,A-anyway,What's your business around here? What's your name by the way?’’

I asked as I sat patiently infront of him,He wipe his face with a tissue paper before answering my questions once again;

‘‘Oh yeah,I'm Hendrick Lilly,Henry for short. I'm here because Ruther bring me here!’’

He smiled as my eyes widened..I remember the wrong call that Ruther make...so,..so he was Henry..

‘‘Wait,Where's Ruther?’’

I asked as he looked at me confusedly,

‘‘H-How did you know him? Is h-he your friend or something!?’’

He asked confusedly as I shook my head;

‘‘I know him cause he's my Boss's Friend..’’

I replied as he let out a small 'Oh' and then he continue to speak about everything;

‘‘Ah? Ruther,He's going to bring Raphael to the Airport! Seems like Raphael is going to leave Winchester and gonna stay in New york for his whole life..,That what's Ruther say..’’

Henry explained as my eyes widened,W-what...

‘‘W-wait...Where would he leave this c-country..?’’

I asked as tears started to build up in my eyes,w-why am..I-I crying..

‘‘I don't know,When I first meet him...He was just so silent and he's like some people on drugs,You know? Looking at nothing,He just sat there...thinking over something,I guess.’’

He replied as tears started to flow in my eyes,I-I...I don't know anymore..

‘‘H-Hey! W-Why are you crying?!’’

He asked as I stand up,removing my apron as I dashed out of the cafe;

#35: The End of it?

A/N: Hey! How are you? It's been a while. Sorry about that.

I will be updating as soon as possible. 5 or 6 chapters to go!

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