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I quickly pack my stuff as I called Jaimie,I know that he will let me and Felis stay for a while.

As I finished packing Felis stuff and so does mine. I grab his leash as we walk in the front door.

As I open the knob,I quickly see Raphael standing over there. Looking at me with sadness in his eyes,I can't believe that I once love this man.

As I Ignored him,He walked toward to me as he snatch my hand..

''P-Please,Let me explain,Let me tell you what happened..''

He cried as he kneeled infront of me,How can he explain the fact that he cheated on me after a few days?

''I-I cannot believe you Raphael,T-this is surely messed up..A-and how can you explained that to me when I heared everything you say..?''

I glare at him as Felis look at me with confusion in his eyes,And for Raphael,He better eat his sh't..

''N-No! I-It wasn't like that! P-Please let me explain!''

He cried as he hug my waist which I didn't let him as I move away from him..

''You know what? I-I love you,I really do. B-But,You can't lie the fact that you cheated to me. Admit or not. You still betray me and nothing in the fact that it will changed.''

I sobbed as I look at him,His eyes was wide,Shock and Embarassment was shown in his face. No matter how he apologized,I can't accept it anymore.

''I-I'm resigning to y-you,And I want to tell that we're over..,It's not me. It's you,this isn't goin to work if someone or one of us have cheated. I don't want that.''

I cried as I turn my back to him as me and felis started walking away,Ignoring the fact that he's looking at me with sadness over his eyes,I love him yet I can't do this..

If leaving him for a while or for so long,I think it's the best— called it being pathetic but sometimes,I need to move on and forgot about things that hurt me.

#24: Over.

Sad folks. This is tragedy...I think?

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