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After I enter my private office,there sat my good so-called friend ‘Ruther and Chesire’

‘‘Chesire! Ruther! How the fuck are you?’’

I smiled arrogantly as chesire sneered looking at me angrily..

‘‘Nothin much,fucker. We forgot to visit you time to time.’’

Ruther smirk as he drank his wine,I roll my eyes as I crossed my arms..

‘‘Tell me..you two dickhead,What do you want?’’

I asked. This two shit isn’t visiting for nothing..

‘‘Okay fine.  You got us,We need to talk about the mafia. Boom!’’

Ruther laughed loudly as it boom through the soundproof room..

I stare at him with raised brows,Same with this two faced bitch Chesire..

‘‘Oh? Chesire can handle that. I’m busy with my—’’

‘‘Your new secretary? We heared you hire a boy for that sexual position. Does the great arrogant slut has taken interenst in homosexuality?’’

Chesire smile as I growl,glaring at him. He don’t fucking dare trying to steal mine...

‘‘Fuck off chesire,I know your little possession on that little dude in your own school,damn! You even took advantage on the boy!’’

I laughed as he glared hardly,gripping into the chair infront of me..

‘‘And so? Say that to ruther who fuck the little dude in the farm! Hah!’’

Chesire exclaimed as ruther glared darkly on him..

‘‘Fuck off chesire,You don’t like me to...’’

Ruther warned as we both looked at each other,If Chesire is a two faced bitch. I’m a psychotic slut well ruther is...

‘‘Sadistic Whore!’’

Chesire snarled as ruther stand up and they both tried to kill each other while I only give a smile as I think of fresh blood here in this private office...

The door was knocked three times before I look there and asked who the hell is it..but the answer makes my eyes widened...

‘‘S-sir..I-it’s me..D-dennis..Y-your late for your board meeting!’’

My secretary yelled as The two look at me and smirk.

‘‘fuck off you two. I be going now. Fuck you two bitches. Bye!’’

I laugh maniaclly as they only glare before I left my private office,there was my secretary who’s silently waiting..

‘‘Let’s go?’’

I asked as he nodded his head,following me..

#8- Friendshit

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