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It's past midnight and I'm still here...sitting at one of the bench while thinking out of nowhere..

While sitting here all alone— a random music plays on the speaker;

*Oh Klahoma- Jack Stauber*

Tears falling down at the party,
Saddest little baby in the room,
Fears! Tell me fears,Don't get me startled;

I might get a grey hair from every scare you share,

Those aren't meant to bend,Those aren't meant to bend,
Those aren't meant to bend,

Dennis tear's started to fall down on his face once again— He felt so devastated; He just can't really...

I hear your eyes,
And I see those cries,
I hear those eyes
And I see those cries,

I can't be the only one who...hears you..

As the song finished a minutes later—A car stop infront of his figure,And then— Henry come out of it..

‘‘Oh! You're here! What are you doing? It's past midnight!’’

He gasped while carrying a backpack— Later on,Ruther come out of the car;


He started as I look at him with nothing— He sighed as he sadly gaze at me;

‘‘You shouldn't be here..He already left and he won't return any sooner...’’

He stated as I looked at him with sadness— Henry looked at me with pity;

‘‘You should get a rest Dennis,It wasn't nice staying up late. You need a sleep to grow up..’’

He let out a small smile which I return— Ruther continue to spoke;

‘‘Come on,I send you home as possible— I just needed to send my baby back to his home..’’

He looked at Henry who's innocently looking around— He have a smile plastered on his face,He was so..pure,innocent..

I shook my head as I didn't agree to his kind offer. No,I wouldn't leave here— even years take me to wait for him to come back. I will still wait.

As they got inside,a few hours later— Ruther come out as he looked so happy yet worried for his sweet lover..

As he walked to my spot. He stop infront of me,His tall figure covering most of the light here in the place that 'I've been staying..

‘‘You really love him,do you?’’

He asked sadly as he looked at my face— I looked down as I shamelessly admitted what I feel;

‘‘Yes,I love him,I love him so much that I'm willing to wait for him— even though,I needed to come home so I can take rest,I would still come back every minute of my existence..’’

I sobbed. Tears continue to rush out of my face,I don't know anymore— I wanted to leave yet there's a urge that telling me to stay...


He looked at me with pity and a minute later— He didn't wait anymore as he carry me to his car;

‘‘Let me go! Let me go ruther! I needed to wait for him! I needed to...’’

I continue to cry,harder than I normally do— crying my hearts out as the pain continue to stab my heart.

‘‘Oh shut it! You love him for what? He wouldn't want to see you misserable! That's the reason he left! He rather chose your happiness to overcome your life,Come on Dennis,Stop it. He's sick— not physically or emotionally… He's mentally sick,Don't you know that? He always take med ever since. But now,He always forget it making him more violent than ever..’’

Ruther snarled as I looked away,Tears continue to flow out of my eyes;

‘‘Come on,Get a rest. Take a bath and eat. And so,Come back by tommorow to wait if you're really eager to wait for him— show us how much you're really in love with him,Ruther may not be the kindest and most thoughtful man in the edge..He's smart,Wiser than any of us— He didn't work as he often gain money by just signing and talking to some folks here,And when he's with you...He's different than we know..’’

He explained as he stopped infront of my house— I open the door as I looked at him with determination;

‘‘You can't stop me. I would wait for him. No matter what.’’

I bravely announced as he smile,closing his car as he drove away from my house;

Ready or not,I would wait for you Raphael...No matter what time flies..

#37:Patience is Virtue.

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