#18 -R18-

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—DENNIS— (R18!)

''I love you..''

After he said that,He grab my chin and kiss me so suddenly,My eyes widened as I feel his tounge on my closed lips.

I whimper softly as he grabbed my waist and carry me with his arms.

''I really want you..''

He muttered as he unbutton my clothes— After that he started nipping my neck...


I moaned as he lick the side of my earlobe as he remove my trousers.

''Mine..mine..mine~ you're mine my honey~..''

Raphael muttered as he remove his coat while kissing and caressing my side like a lover..


I whimpered as I was only left on my boxers,We're inside the office yet Raphael doesn't seem to care since the only left is us..

''My honey~ You are so good~ Let me be your lover..~''

He huskily whispered as he trail down a soft kiss in every inch of my body, praising it like I was sort of a god..

I gasped when a hand grabbed my butt,I wiggle softly trying to let it go yet it's squeeze my behind making me moan..


I whimpered as I can feel the blood that rush on my cheeks,I was blushing furiously as he keep caressing and kissing my body..

I whimper as he put his mouth on my nipple,He lick and nip on it like a baby as he massage my other one..

''So perky,I really love it..~''

He whisper as he keep molesting my body,I have now realize that I was now fully naked infront of him— I was embarassed that I put my hand on my erected member..


I whisper as he stop and look at me,I tried to stand up to take a bath since my member was standing— I need to pee,first.

''Where are you going?''

He asked as I look at him before answering..

''M-my member is standing sir,I think I need to pee, first.''

I answer as he look at me before laughing— He grabbed me by the waist and move my body toward his.

''My honey,Let me do it for you~..''

He purred before carrying me and putting me on the desk,He grab my member and pump it a little before putting it into his mouth.


I moaned loudly as I cover my mouth,I feel him tried to chuckle making vibration on my member...

I feel my abdomen hurts as I was about to pee..

''S-sir,I— I'm gonna pee!''

I yelled as something released on my member,I look down to see raphael who's smirking while licking his lips..

''You taste so good~ so sweet~''

Raphael roll out his tounge to let me see some glue like fluid..


I stuttered as he kissed me again but not before when he entered my mouth with his tounge..

''This doesn't end yet..''

Raphael spoke as he grab my hand and move it to his member too..

Oh god!.

#18: Heated

So,I was back! This is only part 1! Hope ya enjoy~

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