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The day have passed as we celebrated Raphael's birthday,Today is just another normal day of me sitting at the chair while watching Tv;

‘‘Honey! What would you like to eat?’’

Raphael smiled as I shook my head,He shouldn't be here since today— He have many opportunities to take and I'm just wasting his time of taking care of me;

‘‘Okay then..’’

He answered weakly as I ignored him— Minutes later he walked out of the kitchen as he sat beside;

‘‘What about us now..?’’

He asked as I looked at him with caution— W-what..did he..


I replied as he froze on his seat— A second later,His face turn around to looked at me with wide eyes;

‘‘S— So..T-There's n-no..us..?’’

He questioned. Thinking that he's dreaming,He thinks that I'm not serious..

‘‘T-There wasn't us since that d-day..Y-you should have move on..already, Sometimes,We needed to let go because If we keep holding on to each other,This wouldn't be good..Y-You needed time Raphael,I needed... time too..’’

I stated softly as he continue to look at me as If I was just kidding;


Raphael tears started to pour down from his face,He shouldn't be crying like this..He needed to have time to changed himself..

‘‘P-Please don't cry..I love you Raphael..I really do...’’

I stated as I hold his cheeks— He continue to stare at me,crying his heart out— I started to tear up as well,If we don't let go,We can't move onto a better things;

‘‘I-I love you too..B-but..Why? Why would you want me to go..?!’’

He sobbed as I started to sob as well,We really needed to..

‘‘Because..We needed to move on for a while..Y-you love me right..? You needed to let me go then..I-I know you R-raphael..Y-you're Obsessive,Possessive..Manipulative..and a...p-psychopath..

B-But..Did..you think I would care about t-that...? I love you that it's hurt me..sometimes,You never hit me or do something cruel to me but If you haven't fixed yourself...for a while,Everything could get worse...’’

I explained as he continue to stare at me with tears striken face..

‘‘We need a s-space..We needed to think to our own decision....I love you..I really do..But let's just need to take ourself a break..’’

I stated as Raphael continue to stare at me and finally he spoke;

‘‘Is that..Is that..what you really want..?’’

He tried to comfirm it,I nodded my head as He stand up— I follow behind him as he stand infront of my door;

He turn around and smile,a sincere smile. Tears were spread over his face but his smile was there;

‘‘I will come back..wait for me..’’

He announced as he finally left without looking back,but before he got inside his car,I chase after him and hugged his waist;

‘‘This is for the better..’’

I mumble as he turned around and kissed in my lips for the last time,He waved silently as he got inside his car as I stand there,Watching him leaving me behind..

This is for the best..

#34: Spaced.

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