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As the three Mafia boss gather around to witness a marriage of one of them, they were happy to see that somehow, Raphael who's a fucker that psychotic and full of pride on itself.

The wedding is simple. They will just have a seminar and sign some papers and so, It's done.

After talking at the mayor- It looked at them and asked;

"You, Dennis Frandele- Do you take Raphael Santìre as your Husband..?"

Dennis looked at Raphael and smiled.


Dennis cried happily as Raphael smile, He kiss his knuckles as he rubbed it gently..

"And do you, Raphael Santìre- Take Dennis Frandele as your wedded wife?"

Raphael looked at Dennis and let out a wide smile- A smile that didn't look creepy at all..

"I fucking do."

He cried as Chesire and Ruther clapped. Summer isn't aware that they are getting married but who cares about her. Raphael's think.

"And so, Please sign this papers and congratulations! You're now married."

The mayor smiled as Raphael grabbed Dennis cheeks as he kissed him softly, Chesire was clapping his hands as Ruther too.

"Now..You're fully mine. There's no one gonna seperate us anymore.."

Raphael kissed Dennis forehead as he hugged him tightly..

The wedding is simple and very fast, It was so rush that Chesire just run out of a meeting while wearing a white sleeve and pants, And Ruther is just wearing a shirt and sweatpants- They have no time to dress as the wedding is such a rush.

As the four walked out- Ruther sighed.

"Damn it, Raphael- You two should just planned your wedding not like this fast. This is less worst than Chesire's fucking forest wedding gone wrong."

Ruther groan after he remember when mosquitoes started to swarm through the reception- They held it at Vendetta's Den where a part of the country is mostly can't be accessible with the public due to it's a hideout of the mafia.

"Oh fuck it. I don't care how fabulous the wedding was, All I want is him to become a Santìre."

Raphael spoked as he walked out holding Dennis by his side- Now, Raphael is all contended and sane because there's no reason for him to be all jealous from others because Dennis is all his and no man or woman can take him away from him.

"I love you so much Dennis, My sweetheart..."

Et je vais tout sacrifier pour vous.

(And I will sacrifice everything for you..)

And from that very day, Raphael completely change himself for better- They didn't have plan for their grand wedding but all that Raphael and Dennis knew, They loved each other no matter what their flaws and imperfections is, Everything that matter is how they would face their future..

Does it matter when there's many twisted plot in our life?

They're story...Is some other people story.

Full of imperfections, Problems and Complication..

Probably, They're love is fast. but there's a reason behind it. We don't know..

And we will never know..

But sooner enough, Everything will go well for the better..

He was Obsessive, Manipulative and full of dark secrets in his side;

Yet his love will be the greatest love even how fucked up he is,

That is...

That Obsessive Man..


Thank you so much.
Thank you so so much.

For everyone, To all of you. I can't mention you all one by one but thank you.

First of all, Maraming salamat.

For being there with me, supporting me, all of you never know how much all of you mean to me.

this ending might be the most simple ending you ever known.

but it was the most meaningful ending that I done.

Because I believed that all of us is crazy in our different perspective

Godbless us and God be the Glory.

Completed: January 13 2019.

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