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As I follow dennis here,I decided by myself that I needed to confess,I can’t stop myself but to release the urge to stop this delusion. Fuck.

As I gave him a bouquet of flowers,After I left to stop myself from kissing him back there’ So I earn myself a pep talk and some physical slap of realization..I decided to follow using his...uh..scent.

As I reach behind the large tree,I see him sitting silently with his dog,felis. As I stalked over his bio..


As I stalked over his back,As he turn around and I kiss him..something gave flutter in my heart..

‘‘I love you..’’

I spoke as his eyes widened that make him look so cute...


I cut him off,By kissing him again but passionately...

As I leaned away,I smile sweetly as felis look at me with a intense look....

‘‘Shhh...honey...let me tell you...’’

I muttered as I sweep him off his feet,He blushed intensely as I walk through where my car parking lot,pulling felis leash as We all got inside the car...

As we reach his house,I carry him while his dog follow as I open the door...finally...he spoke..

‘‘U-uh,S-sir..W-what are you doin.?’’

He asked as I sat him off,removing his shoes as he sat comfortably on the couch.

I ignore him as I go to his kitchen,preparing some tea..I can’t tell why I acted like this but no one should know why I know his home...

As I do everything for him,I know myself that in the near future,I will have him for myself...

As we sat in silence,Dennis broke the silence...

‘‘S-sir..W-why? I-I mean..we only met a days ago! T-this...i-is ridiculous! Uhhm...Y-your just...absurb! A-and..p-please your might be just wasted!..’’

He exclaimed while he clutch on the clothes he’s been wearing,My head turn a little bit angst,Fuck.

I angirly grasped his wrist as I pinned him on the couch,felis stare at us as he walk toward the kitchen...

As I stare at him furiously,he only cowered in fear as I keep staring at him...

‘‘Do you think I’m just kidding? Huh? Do you know how much fuck up I am as I keep staring at you?! Do you know that every fucking time I’ve been trying hard not to fuck you in my office?!damn dennis. I always like you!’’

I snarled as he blushed,but it exchange into fear,I groaned...

‘‘I-is that so?’’

He asked. I nodded my head.

‘‘Yes. Will you be my boyfriend?’’

I asked. Hoping for him to say yes...

As he answer,my eyes widened. Fuck. I remember that he didn’t one of those money-digger...

‘‘N-no..c-can you m-me court...f-first...’’

He shyly muttered,I nodded my head.

This will be a challenging thing to do..

#10- Asked.

A/N: So yeah. This is too fast. Actually,Like my other story. This isn’t the main plot (jesus,I need to have life) I’m making it all real quick so I can start what I have in my head.

Yeah. Bye. Enjoy. Vote.comment.Enjoy!

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