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Everything runs smoothly,Me and Raphael always attend his meetings and importants event with me by his side...everytime.

Ladies and some few mens try to come to him and asked him out for sort of a date but he just gave them a smile and deny it easily..

Sometimes,Ladies who fond of him will come to me and ask me what does raphael likes and dislikes or asked for tips to caught his attention..

I always replied with a shrug.

Sometimes Raphael would take me home,Come to my home,Take me to date and repeat repeat.

But today is not the usual day I should expect or something,I can feel something will happened...

*Ring! Ring! Ring!*

As I looked at the phone of mine. I grab it and stare at the caller ID which is Uknown..

‘‘Yes? Who is it?’’

I spoke through the phone,I hear nothing but some..crickets..


I ask,Who in heaven will trying to prank me...


My eyes widened as I heared the caller voice,Why is he grunting? What the...


My cheeks turned red as I look at the phone,oh my god. T-t-this......

‘‘henry,If you hear this. It doesn’t mean that I’m inside this phone..but i’m willing to cum inside you..~ ahh..’’

I choked out of my water as I slam down my phone..

What the actual...F-fuck.

As I grab my phone. It’s still in call,I put my ear near to it..

‘‘Ahh~ Henry,I’m cumming~’’

As I heared a couple of groans and moan,The caller went silent until..


The voice asked as I sweat,How in heaven I can say that he got a wrong number..

‘‘Holy fuck! Sorry! I thought it was my lover name,Shit shit shit..Are you still there..!?’’

The voice yelled through the phone as I sweat a little before speaking..


I mumble as the line went silent until it started yelling again..

‘‘Holy fuck! Is this you dennis? Shit,I’m sorry. Okay? Don’t tell anyone about this okay!’’

The voice yelled. How did he know my name? Oh my god.

‘‘U-uh..W-who are you?’’

I asked as I look around. I’m still alone right now. Boss raphael is still on his meeting...

‘‘It’s me. Ruther. Shit. Bye.’’

As the line went end. I sighed as I roll around my seat,God...That is so much..

‘‘Honey,Are you still there?’’

Raphael spoke as he walk inside the office,I smile a little.

‘‘U-uh...I’m good. Yeah. Hahaha..’’

I laugh a little as he only raised a brow and smirk.

‘‘That’s great then. Let’s go so you can meet my friend,Ruther and the bitch ‘Chesire.’’

Oh shit.

#15: Accident Call.

A/N: Ey. How are you?

I’m mourning at this moment. Lately,A hour ago. My dog died.

I can’t accept that the youngest pup that I’ve been taking care of has died. I’m sad. I love her.

R.I.P Pichi-Pichi,May your soul rest in peace. Baby I love you.

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