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I frantically grab my bag as I decided to cover it once again-I was panicking when I see in my peripheral vision how my boss smirked.

He stared at me. amused. as he continue to cross his arms-staring at me as he lean his body on the wall beside us.

As I finished-That I thought so, He looked at me and chuckle a little before he lean down on me.

"Pfft, Let me do it for you.."

He speak lowly as he kneel down infront of me-grabbing the concealer and putting some in his finger as he put his hands on my neck-rubbing a specific spot that makes me feel sensitive,

I let out a small whimper as he rubbed that spot over and over again-my eyes widen as he stare at me intensely as he licked his bottom lip,

"You're so cute..too fucking cute."

He growled as I look away from his gaze-staring outside the glass window.


He stand up. His gaze was still on my bare neck as he turn on his heels-walking away as he got outside.


I mumble as I stand up, leaving my bag behind as I think of buying food downstairs-I forgot to make one because I'm already late. I peek at the door but I was shock when the boy yesterday-pop out of nowhere.

"Hey! I'm sorry about yesterday! I'm Jamie Harrison- A photographer, I worked at the studio where Mr.Santíre took his pictorial, Nice to meet you!"

He chirped as I nodded my head smiling back.

"Uh, Nice to meet you, I'm Dennis-"

He quickly cover my mouth,I stare at him with wide eyes as he look around-like someone was spying on us.

"Shush! I know you!"

He exclaimed as I stare at him in disbelief .

Once he let go-I take a deep breathe as I feel like I was suffocated for a seconds.


I mumble-I feel hungry already, He looked at me apologetically as he apologized;

"Sorry..I'm a little hyper today, I forgot to take my medication.."

He smiled as I nodded my head, We used the elevator as he talk about his life here at Santíre Corp, Once we got on the first floor-We met Adelle who was about to leave. We decided to invite her for lunch.

"How's your day going on? Are you okay Dennis?"

Adelle asked as I nodded my head-The three of us walk toward the cafeteria as the two of them talked about their day while I only listened.

We grab our lunch that contains-Fried chicken, rice and a can of coke with salad as dessert, We ate in silence until someone walked infront of us-glaring to the three of us, especially-me.

"You're Mr.Raphael's new sexretary, am I right?"

She sternly asked. I only nodded my head not realizing that it was-"sexterary" not "secretary"

"Oh really? You look so ordinary..like some cheap ass twink that can be seen in every corner.."

She smirked as my eyes widen at her remarks-Adelle glared at her as she decided to stand up, defending me from this lady.

"Oh, shut your damn mouth Helena, No one give a shit."

Adelled snarled as the girl named 'Helena' glare back at her with a ugly sneer.

"Oh? Shut up you ugly black bitch."

She retort as my eyes widened- How dare she say that.

"Oh yeah? Well, Shut up you white bimbo who take cocks for a side job. Racist cunt!"

Adelle screamed at Helena who only roll her eyes as she cursed silently-leaving us alone as she was embarrassed from what Adelle said. I can see Adelle was trying her best to fought back her teara.

"You're...you're not a bitch Adelle, You are beautiful, inside and out, Don't believe what she said.."

I comforted her as she look at me with a smile-wiping her tears away as she hug me on my side.

"Aww! Thank you sweetheart!"

She smiled. Happily. As I smile back at her-Happy that she wasn't sad anymore.


Jamie whispered as we look at him, confused.

"Boss is already here.."

He whispered as my eyes widened.

Oh no.


•I won't lie that I'm a racist back then-But that doesn't mean I would be one until today.

Everything change. People change. All my wrong doings were stop when I grow up. I learn to be sensible about people feelings and such.


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