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I sighed as I got back to Winchester,It's been 8 hours or more when you ride the bus back to it. It's very tiring when a Grandma besides you were talking bout her childhood;

‘‘Bork! Bork!’’

Felis borked as he ran toward infront of our abandoned house— there's nothing changed out there but—

Wait a second,W-Why is the lights were on? Did I left it open? Oh god,My electricity bill will be very high.

I walked toward infront the door and twist the knob— It wasn't even locked! Oh god,Someone just tresspass my home?!

With a caution on myself— I push the door slightly open and then— I smelled a freshly cooked pancakes..

W-Why? H-How? Who did this?

As I carry my bag and luggage,Felis quickly got inside rather than I as I see my house— cleaner than usual,

‘‘Bork! Bork! Bork!’’

As I silently stalked in the kitchen where the smell came from— I looked behind the walls as I see Felis borking at the tall figure in white sleeves shirt and slacks who's wearing a apron and seems to be busy on something;

As the man turn around,My eyes widened. H-How..


The man whispered— I was stuck on place. I just saw him in the Tv,A few hours ago. And n-now..He's here. Standing infront of him. He looks mature than before..

He close the stove before running toward to me— I can't move and avoid his bone-crushing hug,He hug me tightly by the waist as he put his face on the crook of my neck as he slightly kiss it.

‘‘I'm sorry..I'm sorry...I'm sorry..Sorry..Sorry..sorry..sorry..’’

He whispered as he hug my waist tightly,I can't help but tears escape my eyes..

‘‘Y-You c-cheated..I-I-I..c-can't..’’

I mumble as he started to sobbed on my neck,Wet tears staining my sweaters..

‘‘I did not..I-I promise..It was all a mistake! S-she drugged me! A-And..I lost all of my sense,Believed me,Honey..Please..Believe me..I-I will make it up to you— Oh god knows, how I lose my shit when I lose you..’’

He explained as tears continue to escape my eyes,He looked down to me as his hand cupped my cheeks as he wiped the tears away from it..

‘‘Don't cry..Come'on..Sit..sit— I cooked some pancakes for you..’’

He ordered as I sat on the chair,He stand there. Cooking as he finished everything— putting the plate down and pouring sweet honey on it— He sat beside me and look at me with a smile yet with a sad eyes..

‘‘Where did you go from the past 5 months?’’

#30: Still there.

Hey! Thanks for the support of this story,12 chapters left before this end. After this. I might not able to published the third trilogy cause I need to finish— Say my name and Obsessive acts first.

I want to say that this story doesn't end here or there yet. This story wasn't finished. end of the period.

Enjoy the chapter while it's last! Adios!

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