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I woke up from the bright sunlight that has been burning my face ever since— As I woke up,I looked at the clock to see that it's already 10:00 a.m

I got up as I rush toward to the bathroom— I needed to get ready,I'm still gonna wait for Raphael back at the airport..

As I quicken my eating process,I brush my teeth and so— I wear a sweater and jean since it's getting cold outside..

I also finished doing my task as fast as I could like feeding my dog and cleaning some stuff,But for now. I decided to bring my dog over;

As I close my door— I waved a goodbye to my neighbor as Felis and I started to walk;

As we reach there— I asked the guards and they said that Mr.Santíre doesn't arrived yet. I sat patiently at the waiting area even though the one that I've been waiting isn't gonna go home sooner enough;


I looked beside me to see a asian lady sitting beside me,Her hair was short and black and her eyes were bit slanted,She got a pale skin and acnes on her face;

‘‘That's a good o'l dog..’’

She stated looking at Felis who barked at her,wagging it's tail..

‘‘H-hehe,He's a good boy..’’

I smile trying to lighten up the mood,A minute later,She asked;

‘‘Who's your waiting for? Your mom? Dad? Sister? Grandma?’’

She asked as she looked at Felis with a smile on her face;

‘‘O-Oh,I-I've been waiting for someone...’’

I smiled at her as she look around before whispering;

‘‘Your boyfriend,Aren't you?’’

She smile cheekily as I blush— What the..

‘‘Y-yeah..Y-you could say that,At least..’’

I tried to avoid the conversation yet she continues;

‘‘Oh,Don't lie— It was all written on your forehead,And you can't lie to a gay writer itself..’’

She smirked and crossed her arms as I gasped at her— What are she saying?

‘‘Anyway,I don't like to interfere but— I heared that you've been waiting here since yesterday,I heard it from the guards...So pardon if I ask...’’

She looked at me with sincerity in her eyes,I sighed as I looked around..;

‘‘H-He...He just left,We promised to each other that...that,We're going to be together once everything is settled..B-But a friend of his told me that he's going to stay where he traveled at,And he won't come back here any sooner...’’

I tried to stop the tears that escaping from eyes— She looked at me sadly before removing her crossed arm and tried to comfort me..

‘‘Oh come on,What if,What if they were fooling you? What if he come back anytime? Are you still going to wait for that time?’’

She asked— I looked at her and nodded,No matter what time is it. I will wait here as possible;

‘‘I will...At any cost..I will wait..’’

I cried as she looked away trying to stop from crying...

‘‘J-jesus,Don't cry eh? I'm almost gonna cry too..’’

She sighed as she remove the tears from her eyes;

‘‘Here a one thing that I'm gonna advice to you boy,I'm not in a relationship or something— but somehow,I just think that if you love someone,You're willing to wait for the right time and the right turn..’’

She stated as she looked at the passerby,Felis was just sitting beside me,Wagging it tails as it look around..

‘‘When you're in love,It's the greatest feeling to all of the time,A great surge of happiness and hopeful started to grow in your heart— every moment,You just can't help but be so giddy and daydreaming all the time...

A love that doesn't grow nicely like a sprout— A love that doesn't end well,sometimes,It ends up as Obsession...A attraction that you can never able to resist and to monopolized the person you wanted..

Obsession is like a unwanted plant in your garden,It just grow out of nowhere especially when you don't take care of your garden..’’

She continues to utter some words about love when she suddenly stopped and looked at me for a while...

‘‘Oh sorry— I'm high and I can fly so...’’

She just smile as I nodded my head in silence,I sat there. Looking at the Arrival area waiting for him to'come out..

‘‘Let me guesss...That handsome man over there is your awaited boyfriend...?’’

I turn around where she point as my eyes widen...No..This can't be..

His sharp eyes went to look around but when he met mine,His eyes widened..


I stuttered as he walked toward my way,Ignoring the press con and all— tears started to build on my eyes..

#38: Coming home.

Enjoy while it last— 2 or 3 chapters remaining left. Hehe ♡

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