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I groaned as I realized what I just did with my secretary.

He was getting on my nerves and it wasn't good-not even a bit.

His cute angelic face is always getting too much in my mind. Fuck! I shouldn't be feeling this but I can't help but feel intoxicated even by his presence.

"Hello dear brother of mine! How are you?"

Summer-my younger sister, greeted as she walked inside the cafe, She's scandalous-so loud and it irritates me.

"I'm fine"

I muttered. Summer raised her brow as she crossed her arms. staring at me with doubt.

"Hmm? Are you sure about that? You don't look like fine for today's madness.."

I glared at her. She shrugged as she uncross her arms before sitting straight-staring at me with a playful smile;

"Is it because of your new secretary? What is his name again? Dennis Frandele?"

She asked-fuck, how did she know?

"Everytime you changed your secretary-news spread like wildfire."

She smirked. I can't help but feel annoyed. Why don't everyone mind their own fucking business?

"And so? Do you have problem with it?"

I asked as I decided to take a sip on my hot coffee-she shook her head and replied;

"Nothing, Nothing at all, I just wanted to interfere with your relationshit if you two were a match!"

She beam at me as my grip on the cup-tighten-as I decided to throw the finished cup on the floor-pissed. everyone gasps at my action.

"Don't you fucking dare to interfere with my business, Summer! I don't trust your stupidity."

"Or else, what? You don't scare me Raphael.." She smirked once again and It's making me so pissed.

"I may forgot that you're my sister."

I sneered. As I decided to left the cafe-mad. real shit.

As I got inside my own damned company-I see no one around even Adelle who was supposedly here in the reception area-I guess they're still taking a lunch break.

I walked toward the cafeteria and everyone who's eating there. stop. and stare at me with wide eyes-what?

As I roamed my eyes around-I saw my secretary who was staring at me with wide eyes.

"Your lunch break ended five minutes ago, Go back to your workplace."

All of them stood up-carrying their packed food as they rushed out of the cafeteria, not bumping into me as they left. Adelle and the guy named-Jamie, My photographer, waved goodbye at Dennis as they left.

My secretary walked toward to me with a small smile-holding a cup of coffee as he offered it to me;

"Hello..Hello sir, would you like some?"

He offered even though he stuttered a bit. I smile softly as I grab the cup.

"Thank you.."

I thanked-my eyes widen as I realized what I've just said. I never said thank you to anyone, What's happening to me?

He nodded his head as he follow me back to our office-while he was nibbling at the sandwich he was holding.

Our Office..

Our Office..

Damn, This boy is whipping me..


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