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I tiredly walk out to see who's in there—As I open the door,My eyes widened seeing Mr.Vendetta and Mr.Velasquez with Ms. Santíre;

‘‘Happy Birthday Raphae— Oh! You're here Dennis!’’

Ms.Santíre gasped as she saw me standing silently as I watched them— W-wha..? It's R-Raphael Birthday?

‘‘Oh shit,You're already here Dennis,Didn't know you were here.’’

Mr.Velasquez spoke as he gave a small smile,He hand me a present and so is Mr.Vendetta who's thinking deeply;

‘‘What's with the commotion here..? Oh,Summer.’’

Raphael looked at his younger sibling who's smilling while holding a cake,Oh yeah. It's his birthday today,He doesn't know how old he is but he's damn sure that he's around 29..

‘‘Oh,yeah...How old am I now?’’

Raphael asked in such bored tone— Dennis was shock,He didn't knew that it was Raphael birthday today..

‘‘Bitch,You're 50.’’

Chesire snarled as he glared at the man— Raphael only raised his eyebrow as he looked at the angry Chesire—As usual,This hoe is always angry.

‘‘You're now 30,Looks like someone is growing old too fast..’’

Summer laughed as Raphael only rolled his eyes as they let the the three In,As they sat on the couch— Dennis was just there. Standing at the corner who's face is blank as a paper;

‘‘Is there something matter,Honey?’’

Raphael asked as Dennis remove his shock face as he shook his head;

‘‘Ah..n-no,Happy birthday anyway..Sorry if I haven't bought you any gifts..’’

He mumble as he only smiled and kiss his forehead;

‘‘Wanna know what's the greatest gift I haved get this year..?’’

He smiled. Showing his white pearly teeth,He looks like he brush his teeth— three times a day.

‘‘W-what is it?..’’

Dennis asked curiously— He chuckle as he hugged him tight as his arms were around his waist..


He answered as he blushed,S-seriously..?

‘‘You're the greatest gift I'd got from my whole life,not to mention that being with you is like my birthday everyday..’’

He continues as he blushed— H-He did not! He shouldn't flattering him like this;

‘‘I love you..’’

Dennis smile so sweetly as he looked down,he shouldn't be like this..

‘‘T-Thank you...’’

He smile as he only looked at Dennus with small smile on his face,He excuse himself as he talked to the three,While, Dennis— was just there. Standing silently.

He shouldn't let him hoping for him like this..

#33: Happy Birthday.

Happy Birthday for Raphael!

(Wow,I should've make them have a birthday,I already forgot about that. Pardon me.

Anyway,How's that? I hope you enjoy the last remaining chapters. We will never know! Right?)

P.s: If I already put Raphael's age before. Please inform me so I can fixed it. I'm not good at memorizing informations that's why I'm left out.

Raphael Birthday is October 29th xxxx,Pardon for the late update

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