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Once Boss has already left-I put my bag down in another table with a "Secretary" Tagline on it. I also put down all the files that he left to me.

I started to look at all the files once I sat down- looking at it. It was all just proposals and full of complains and other things with just signature on it. I've decided to arrange it one by one and aside from those, I also make a planner on Mr.Santíre's everyday.

I let out a small huff once I'm finished. It's been like hours since I'm done. It's already 8:00 p.m, And sadly-I'm the only one left. I'm also just waiting for boss to return.

"Seems like..I'm all alone now.."

I mumble as I took out my pen and a sticky note. I've decided to write random thoughts and words just to remove myself from boredom,

There's this noodle head guy who think he was great.

I can't help but laugh at the nonesense I've been writing, Haha!

"Hey, Why are you still here?"

I stiffened at the voice-I look behind me to see my Boss who stand there with his hand on his pockets, He was wearing white shirt and plain jeans.

"Uhm, I-I just finished this, Sir.."

I sputtered, He only walk toward me-getting near as he ruffled my messy hair.

"Is that so? Go home, It's late already."

He sternly said as I nodded my head. I stood up-packing my stuff as I clean my table and before I leave, I heard him spoke once again;

"Anyway-Use the elevator, Just press the button of which floor you're going and that's it. Don't be late tommorow."

He said as I only nodded my head-running inside the elevator as I pushed the button to the first floor.

Few minutes passed-I reach the first floor, walking outside as I greeted the security guard who was sipping his hot coffee.

I waited in the bus stop for a few minutes once a Bus stop infront of me-I got inside as I timidly wait to reach to my street, the weather is humid today-It was actually calm.

Once I got down-I've reach my house as I got inside-I was greeted by my dog named-Felis.

"How are you Felis? It's been a while, How's your day? Mine was a too much to handle."

I ask cheerfully and he replied with a bark, He circle around me as I pat his white shiny fur-He was a rascal that I've adopted when I found him on the streets when he was a puppy, Now, He was a big dog with white clean fur that I've always clean.

I walked toward the kitchen to grab his dog food and I pour down a good anount of it to his bowl.

"I know you're hungry. Sorry for being late."

I smiled as I take out a cup of noodle-grabbing the hot thermos and pouring a good amount of hot water for my noodles to be cooked.

I wonder the rest of my night thinking about my new job-

Nothing would go wrong, right?


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