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‘‘Will you be my boyfriend?’’

He asked that make me shock once again...

B-but,I can't deny that I like this man infront of me yet I doubt of what he might done..

‘‘My honey,Will you gave me a chance to be a part of your life? I promise to the depth of my death that I won't do anything to hurt you,Physically nor emotionally. This will be the vow I will take from the end of life.’’

He spoke as confetti flew around the place,All of my neighbor was there. Clapping their hands while holding a balloon— and the children is holding a banner that said

♡Be My Boyfriend,Please?♡

I can't help but cried for a little before wiping the tears away,I can't believe someone like me so much.


I answered as his eyes widened before kissing me harshly,All of the children cover their eyes as some of the older are cheering in happinness..

‘‘Yay! Congrats Dennis!’’

One of my neighbor spoke as they clap their hands,I was really shock to even react bout that.

As everyone left,Raphael kiss my forehead before he carried me inside my house..

As he sat the both of us in the couch,He lean his head on my neck as he softly breathe..

‘‘You're so beautiful,My honey..’’

He whispered as his hands move to my lower back and simply squeeze my butt..

‘‘This is my heavenly place..’’

He muttered as he look at me with lazy eyes before kissing me softly..

‘‘I love you..’’

He whispered as he close his eyes to sleep,I softly smile as I blush before whispering the words he yearn to hear..

‘‘I love you too..’’

I whispered as I lean my head on his shoulder as both of us, fall asleep.


I woke up with a arm that wrap around me,I open my eyes to see Raphael looking at me..

‘‘G-good morning..’’

I whispered as I realize it's already morning,I look at his face to see him smiling..

‘‘Fuck,I can't believe that we're already together..This might be a dream...I don't wanna wake up from this again..’’

He spoke as he tuck my head to his arm as he craddle me..

‘‘Now that you're officially mine..I won't let you go anywhere anymore..’’

He spoke looking like a insane man,I hug him by his waist as I burried my face to his chest..

‘‘I-I love you..I really do..’’

I whisper as I felt him froze in front of me..he'look so in daze..


He asked as I nodded my head,His smile became cheerful as he hug me tight in his arms..

I wish this last long..

#21: Say Yes.

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