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It's christmas bonus for all of you!



Snow falling down from the heaven— Dennis looked up at he shiver from a slight coldness…

‘‘Grrrr...S-So cold..!’’

Dennis shuddered as he rubbed both of his hands who were cover with soft white glove…It was such a cold and warm feeling in his body;

‘‘Honey...! I've baked the cookies already!’’

Dennis looked up to see a smilling Raphael holding a tray of gingerbread man— Dennis smiled as he continue to look outside;

‘‘Where are you looking,eh?’’

Raphael sneaked toward to him as he wrap his arms tightly around Dennis...

Months that became year— It's their first christmas together and they were surely enjoying it as possible,

‘‘W-W-When will they come..?’’

Dennis asked as he lean to Raphael for a heat that radiating off his body— Raphael was wearing a thick cotton sweater;

‘‘Hmmm...I don't know...’’

As Raphael gaze at the cielings— He saw the mistletoe above them as he smirked,Leaning toward to Dennis face until their lips touched at one another;

‘‘I love you...Merry Christmas..’’

He smile so sweetly as Dennis smile too,Kissing his cheeks..

‘‘M-Merry Christmas...’’

Dennis cheekily smile— wider than the usual,They were about to kiss again when there's a knock in the door that interuppted them;

‘‘Open up! It's getting cold here!’’

Chesire voice rang through the room as Raphael roll his eyes,standing up as he open the door— revealing Chesire and Alexis who's holding a gift.

‘‘M-Merry Christmas!’’

He chirped as Chesire was holding a gift too,They walked toward to Dennis as they handed me the gift. Dennis thanked as he look at them;

‘‘T-Thank you so much..’’

Dennis smiled sweetly as Raphael roll his eyes once again— pfft,He can give Dennis those,Better than they bought.

A few minutes later— the door was once knocked as Dennis stand up— opening it revealing Jaimie and Adelle who's holding a present and someone is missing...

‘‘Merry Christmas! Sorry if he didn't come,He's with his family though..’’

Jaimie announced as he hugged Dennis so do Adelle— They gave Dennis their present as Dennis invited them inside;

Raphael walked toward Dennis and wrap his arm around his waist as Dennis was shock to being hugged tightly by Raphael..

‘‘I hope there's no more visitor..psst..’’

Raphael muttered but then the door was knocked once again making Raphael pissed..


He yelled at the door as he released his hold on Dennis— He open the door,Revealing Summer,Ruther and Henry..

‘‘Merry Christmas My dear brother!’’

Summer kissed his cheeks which Raphael angrily wipe it off,Ruther only nodded at him while Henry greeted him a merry christmas..

As they walked inside the kitchen— food were already ready,A gingerbread house,bread,cookies and ham— there's also a cake,soup and sphagetti that Henry really likes;

They continue to talk for hours as they didn't realize it was already 12:00 a.m of the morning,December 25.

‘‘Merry Christmas!’’

They all laughed smile,Raphael looked at Dennis who's smilling softly— They looked at each other and smile..

‘‘I love you so much my honey..’’

Raphael smiled as Dennis ndoded his head;

‘‘Merry Christmas too,I-I-I don't need any gift to you cause you're my greatest gift that I recieved this year..’’

Dennis smile as he kiss Raphael lips,Raphael blushed as he looked at Dennis with such adoration—Oh,How much he love this guy..


They gasped as they saw summer holding a camera..

‘‘This will be clearly a remembrance for a successful couple of this year..

Things got complicated— but who cares? Love is in the air,that's the reason that I don't breathe around here...’’

Summer cheekily smiled as she clapped her hands,

She looked around us and continue;

‘‘Maybe..Maybe even things got so complicated,There's no such things as giving up. Love will grow no matter how you stop it. Santa and the lord itself gave us a very great year...’’

She continues to blabber as everyone was listening intently around her..

‘‘And so,This is a blessing for us— I wish you all a great christmas,I'm thankful for being part of this living...’’

She smile as she clapped her hands two times;

‘‘And so my dear brother,I wished you a year of good life,Please stop being a creep shit anymore..’’

She laughed and so do everyone while Raphael glare at her before mouthing her a word;

‘‘Fuck you Summer Santire!’’

And so,they continue to celebrate the christmas with peace and fullfillment...


This isn't epilogue or extra chapters. This is a Christmas Special for all of you. (advanced. I know.)

Thank you guys for being part of my 2018,In thicc or thin. It doesn't matter what country we came from— All that matter is what we feel around us,the enjoyment and existence that we got..

I wished you all a Merry Christmas,And a Happy New Year! Thank you for being the greatest gift for me..

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