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I woked up feeling quite groggy,As I massage my palm on my forehead...

Uhh...I feel so sore...

As I stand up,I walk toward the bathroom to look at the mirror..

What the...

There’s a bites on my neck again,and my face is quite swollen and it’s look like my cheeks are blushing...

I don’t remember anything that I open the window that much..

I like opening the window,so the fresh air in the night will come in as I fall asleep heavily...

Ignorning everything,I clean myself before putting my clothes and eating breakfast as I lock the door leaving my dog felis inside..

As I ride the bus for a fe minutes,I rush outside as I enter the Santire Corp.

‘‘Morning Adele’’

I smile as she smile softly before speaking...

‘‘Morning to you too,You seem early..’’

She smile widely as I nodded my head,I waved my goodbye before leaving her...


As I enter our office,Boss isn’t there yet. As I clean and fixed everything..I sat in my chair as I grab my sandwich before taking a small bite...

As I look around,the door open as Boss came in..he was holding a bouquet of flowers...well...rose mostly...

‘‘Morning Dennis,Here’s a rose for a beautiful guy like you..’’

He smiled as I smile back accepting the flowers..

‘‘Thank you...’’

I half whisper as he smile before sitting in his swivel chair,looking at me..

‘‘What’s my schedule for today?’’

He asked as I take out my notepad before speaking..

‘‘You have appointment with Ms.Heathers by 15 minutes from now,And...—”

I was instantly cut off when he spoke,

‘‘Remove everything for today,I’m taking you for a date.’’

My eyes widened,d-date...?

‘‘B-but sir,your meetings for today is i-importan—”

I squeak when he slammed his fist on his table,he stare at me with a frown..

‘‘But,Being with you is important. Please let me do this..’’

He sincerly spoke as I nodded my head before removing everything...

As before I can fixed my mess,he walk toward infront of me and leaned,giving a peck on my cheeks..

‘‘Being with you is more important..honey..’’

He smile. So sweetly that I shudder,He’s breath taking...

#12: Date then?

A/N: Finally,A update.

Pardon for late update since I’m near going crazy,I hope I fixed my self as soon as possible.

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